Cleaning a one-piece glass bubbler

I have a real nice one piece glass bubbler, my license isnt exactly...valid... at the moment due to a bit of a run in with some unwanted people so it's a little hard for me to get around, anything anyone can recomend for cleaning this? im not sure what i can use around the house. Something preferably that isnt loaded with enough chemicals to take out a city pleasebongsmilie
In my opinion the best way to clean a piece is to pour salt in it along with rubbing alcohol. Take a few minutes and swish it around in there, and eventually it will look like came right from the shop. As mentioned above, the stronger the rubbing alcohol the faster it will be cleaned.

Sr. Verde

like the 10th thread this week on this but...

highest % isopropyl alcohol found at CVS/Walgreens for less than 3$ for a large bottle

I get a glass cup thats big enough for the peice, and then fill it up with alcohol and submerge the piece, then let that sit and soak for 5 or ten minutes, then take the piece out of the alcohol and pour a good amount of salt in it (remember your using the salt as an abrasive so you need more than youd put on food) then fill the inside with alcohol, so now you have a lot of salt in there and its full of alcohol.... Now, be sure to leave some airspace so you can get the liquid moving around inside and cover all the holes and shake it up... shake in different motions because you want the salt to rub against all the nasty shit on the inside

Be sure to get out all, or as much as the resin as you can... Resin will absorb that nasty rubbing alcohol taste leaving you with tainted hits and a weird smell, thats usually why people hate the alcohol and salt method

After all that be sure to rinse thuroughly with warm/hot water

give your hands a quick splash of alcohol and rub them together to get off any resin, then rinse your hands in warm water

Enjoy :)


Well-Known Member
Kickass, another "how do I clean my piece?" thread! Awesome! It's about fucking time.

It's been at least seven hours since the last one.