Cleaning fabric pots

I had sex this morning. My dick probably has germs.

Some of those germs are beneficial. Gross if you really think about it. Back in the day when kids played in the dirt they were exposed to all kinds of stuff. Building up immunity to many pathogens.
I'm sure a few of us owe a TY to beer goggles for our white cell counts. LOL.

I usually pull out the medium and am left with dry roots, it's a royal pain in the ass to pull all of them out. Does anyone else have a different easier way of cleaning these fuckers?
Why pull old roots?

Add new soil over them. They will Boi degrade and turn into food for them.

I take all my root balls and throw them into my flower beds all chopped up. Again imo no need to worry about the roots stuck inside the fabric.
Why pull old roots?

Add new soil over them. They will Boi degrade and turn into food for them.

I take all my root balls and throw them into my flower beds all chopped up. Again imo no need to worry about the roots stuck inside the fabric.
Isn't that asking for fungus gnats or some such?
Isn't that asking for fungus gnats or some such?
Not in my experience. But then again I keep it in a dry shed over the winter and it's never been moist upon planting.

I also live in Northern California which from about mid April until October it doesn't really rain at all.

Conditions matter for these kinds of things.
Yeah I do not spell check my online posting. Fordnt change the fact you were wrong. Also no grammar is not my best but I know I would school you in math. Work on "you 're" ability to admit when you are full of shit. Maybe I will start editing my posts despite the fact it is not an essay to be graded. Take care bud.