Cleaning the Flower Room


Well-Known Member
I had a room of plants get pollinated, now I want to clean the room as to start the next run...

I see people say water kills pollen ?? I have a hard time buying this..... But, I wonder If I steam clean the room would that kill the pollen?? My wife has one of them steam cleaner things and I was going to use it every place in the room.

Or should I just use Bleach? If bleach how much to a gallon? :roll:

also how long can pollen live in that room If I was to do nothing ??? Thanks
Hi, I just recently had the same problem, there was some loose pollen from a herm, and it ended up pollinating itself. To clean up my cab after I plan on sterilizing/giving a good wipe down to all the surfaces in my room. Bleach will work great. (about 2 tbs/gallon?) I plan on using this Clorox "Clean-up with Bleach" and just giving a very through cleaning making sure all the surfaces are wiped down, then I'm gonna repeat just to be sure. I think you just have to be very through with the cleaning so you grab all the pollen physically, and then leave the surface disinfected. If you have carpet in your room, it would be a good idea to give that a good cleaning too.
