Cleaning Vaporizer Pipe


Not too much resin, I want to clean them often.

I tried turpintine and it made the rubber tube all cloudy so I think alcohol would do the same thing, ? I also tried detergent & hot water without much luck.

maybe salt might work?
One of the best things about having a vape is being able to collect honey after some dedicated use. Just heat it up a little bit then scrap it right out. After you have gotten as much honey out as you can go head and throw it in a bag with some alc and salt. Rinse and your good to go.

Spoony Da Dro Man

Active Member
Hey bro pour alcohol in the tube and put it in the sink. Lay it in there like an upside down rainbow- ends up. Let it sit overnight. Then in the morning dump it and rinse it out. It works for mine.