clear rolling paper/joints


Well-Known Member
1 word.

They were cool for about 2 weeks, then no one used them anymore around here. They seem to never burn right.


Well-Known Member
I think the brand name is space case. they're fuckin expensive though. I have a cheap $15 dollar one.


Well-Known Member

Tried those papers a month or so ago, and haven't tried

They burn like shit, and taste just like they burn.

Plus they're hard to roll with.

But eh, to each his own.


Well-Known Member
One thing I have to say about the grinders is watch out for the smaller ones. The first grinder I got was about the size of a half dollar (coin) and it made my weed like shake. I got used to it and firgured it was normal but recently I upgraded to the second largest space case and it's great. It breaks my weed up kinda like a cross between scissors and fingers but it's not shakey at all so it burns real nice. There's some other ''name brand'' one that my stepbrother bought but the part that grinds the weed (the spike things) were like on a plate inside the top cap and it would occassionally fall out. Plus space cases got the rubber piece so you don't get metal flakes in your weed. :)


Well-Known Member
Ive used a space case grinder, and I own my own 3 chamber one with a screen. There is no need to spend alot of money on a grinder, mine was like 20 bucks at a store. Has an ash tray on top of it and as well as a screen to collect kief. it works just as well as any space case for a fraction of the cost. but the space case ones are smoother, and sharper than mine.


Well-Known Member
cellulose papers are gross, i bought some grape flavored one. they tasted like dimatap and saran wrap. not to mention the slightes moisture and they turn in to glue. roll with Raw, there organic, unbleached hemp fibers. best papers i ever smoked with.