Clear snot slime. Cut all roots sticking from net pot. Recover or just toss?


3.5 weeks into veg. Got terrible clear snot slime, completely fucked everything visible. Cut all the dead/slimey roots.

Is it worth letting these recover with new roots? Or should I just kill them and start over? They're so stunted in 3 weeks I could have new girls their size. I don't want to wait 2-3 weeks before I give up on these.

Is there any point seeing if they recover? Or is that much root damage not worth trying to save?


Well-Known Member
Clear snot slime sounds like algae.... any light getting into your nutrients or hoses or to anywhere your nutrients go? What are your nutrient/water temps? How are u growing? Are u growing hydro using organic methods or sterile synthetic res/nutes?


I'm pretty confident there's no light leaks. Black buckets, black tubes. 70F tops, running hydroguard and tried both orca and great white.

6x 3 gal DWC. 45L air pump split between them.

Humbolt nutes.

After some h202 dunks I added back to RO water + nutes. Pretty sure this was bad, giving nutes with 0 beneficial life. Was supposed to hydroguard only for a while before adding nutes back.

I'm not confident the cause is gone. In 2 weeks I might just be tossing anyway if it's still around. Kinda want to scrap it all, fully sterilize everything and start over. But no promise that even works


Well-Known Member
I had this way back when. I think it has more to do with high temps even though you say 70*s- check your temp meter. I had one go bad, and was reading pH way off from what it actually was. Use your finger, water should feel cool- cold

I washed it off cleaned the tote and started again. I didn't get much of a yield, but I learned a lot


Agreed it's still not as low as I would like. Hydroguard should give an extra 10F buffer zone though, roughly


Well-Known Member
Yeah anything above 70 is no good, 70 max unless you're running h202 and even then I'd still say 70 max...

I'd say skip the benes and anything organic and go with a sterile res/synthetic nute regiment... not familiar with humbolt but for a beginning hydro grower I'd suggest sticking with a sterile res... organic hydro is for the experienced hydro grower with #1 lots of experience n know how and #2, the right equipment for organic hydro... personally I think a UC system would be the only way I'd even remotely dream of going to an organic non sterile regiment.... dwc doesn't move around enough and once temps hit the right range for nasty shit to's a wrap... like u said maybe scrapping it is the best route... I do agree with the above post that riding it out will teach u some more but if your in a "cut your losses" type of spot; maybe cutting the cord is your best option...

but again I'd start with a sterile res, keep it around 65-68 degrees best u can and switch over to a simple nute regiment like gh flora (grow micro bloom) or my personal favorite, blue planet nutes n got with their 2 or 3 part... add h202 every 3-5 days and at res changes at 1.7ml per gal... there's other sterile res products but h202 is the one I'm familiar with and use....


Thanks w78. I wasnt sure about continued h202.

As a followup Q. Should I use something like rapid start to get new roots going?


Well-Known Member
On what the existing problematic plants or clones? As far as the existing ones I would think just getting them going in the right direction with minimal products and let them do their thing new roots will follow... I use as few "products" as possible...some work as advertised but some don't do shit and when having issues like you are, the simplist way to get them back to happy is usually the one with the least "products" or possible combinations of shit that may cause u more problems than you have already... I'd say h202 and plain ph-ed water for day or so and then do a res change or a light nute solution with the h202 until you see things coming back or that your root problems are going away.... and then start bringing up the ppm/ec but change the res at least once a week n try to keep temps in those above mentioned range...