Climate Controlled Curing System?

FNG Grower

Well-Known Member
I recently built a curing system for my last grow and found that the final quality of my herb dramatically improved. The buds are denser with just the right amount of moisture. The first build was a prototype, and I'm now working on building the real deal. Basically, it will be a semi-sealed enclosure that maintains ideal curing conditions, regardless of the ambient conditions.

I got to thinking . . . why doesn't someone already manufacture these? Curing is a critical part in growing good quality herb. So here's my question. If I started manufacturing these things, do you think growers would buy them?

FNG Grower

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the vote of confidence. My system is pretty small. It can process a final capacity of about 20 oz. of dried cured weed (sufficient for my grows). But I can easily increase the size to handle any capacity. I'll post some pics of the finished product in about two weeks (still waiting for parts).


Well-Known Member
Ive done something similar just less dialed in than i wanted. I used a grow tent and i suggest you use the same.

Already has duct holes in it and is air/light tight to an extent. Tons of space to hang and pops up and tears down quickly.

What i did was take all my plants down to main stems and trim the buds by hands with them still on the stems. This was after 3 days in the dark after letting them dry out the last day or 2 of flower before dark to make sure they get dry and to not breed mold over the 3 days of dark.

Then hung all of those like normal. Had my carbon filter set to exhaust and an intake fan as well both on the same timer. Filter at the top of the tent, buds in the middle, intake at the bottom so no air was directly blowing over the buds. Basically had it set to go on for 15 minutes every 2-4 hours. I tinkered with it depending on season. Also its a 400+ CFM carbon filter/fan so 15 minutes exchanged the air in my 4x4 about 50 times give or take if my math is right.

This would cut my cure time dramatically. itd be my usual 3 days in the dark, 3-5 days of hanging in the tent like that, and then 3-5 days in the jar and i would have amazingly cured stuff as if i left it for a month to cure over about 2 weeks max.

As for you i assume youd do the same except use a humidity sensor/controller to kick on your fans and run until the humidity drops to an acceptable level to continue the cure. Like you said really kept the density to my buds and such a good flavor.

Ill be watching this one.