Climate Crisis Fraud -written by a man who shares the Nobel Prize with Al Gore


New Member
Selling fear is the best pitch in the history of ....well...selling anything. If you don't buy brand Y toothpaste and buy X instead your teeth will rot and fall out.......if you continue to drive your car then the world will end in a great ball of fire.........since the dawn of man people have been selling fear. Why? Because it works.
That's exactly right, Chris ...

As a long time sales person (a VERY long time), I can say that in any sales presentation, fear of loss is a far greater motivater than chance of gain. Experienced sales people know this and use it to close sales. The environmental-wacko-leaders like Al Bore are no different. They are giving a dooms-day sales presentation and the gullible among us are buying into it hook, line and sinker.


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Selling fear is the best pitch in the history of ....well...selling anything. If you don't buy brand Y toothpaste and buy X instead your teeth will rot and fall out.......if you continue to drive your car then the world will end in a great ball of fire.........since the dawn of man people have been selling fear. Why? Because it works.

smoking is good for you.... 4 out of 5 doctors say so.. have you seen the commercials?

i saw a guy eat glass... hmm.. probably ok to try it myself.. right?

my god, did you see the news last night... i am sure that today is the day... I am going to get car jacked, raped, robbed and murdered, I better by a tank.. after all, it is my RIGHT to KILL another human being who comes in my house and tries to steal my kenwood...

The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard - scariest video ever... just propaganda of course..

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
That's exactly right, Chris ...

As a long time sales person (a VERY long time), I can say that in any sales presentation, fear of loss is a far greater motivater than chance of gain. Experienced sales people know this and use it to close sales. The environmental-wacko-leaders like Al Bore are no different. They are giving a dooms-day sales presentation and the gullible among us are buying into it hook, line and sinker.


nobody dies from aids.. its just a conspiracy to sell condoms and scare minorities from mating..


you guy are so gullible

BUT i'll tell what is true... if your child does not sit in a car seat.. IT will die!!!


New Member
The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard

Whats up with this theory of government by the people for the people anyway? Sounds like communism to me,~LOL~, just ask VI. The government is supposed to look out for the people, HAHAHA, You must be joking. Oligarcic-plutocracy is the form of government we have now. it works well for the rich. Just some thoughts between my thoughts.


New Member
it is my RIGHT to KILL another human being who comes in my house and tries to steal my kenwood...

And your privilege!!


New Member
Just some thoughts between my thoughts.

They sure come few and far between!!
Wait, I feel one coming, what's that, cuntdiane is an asshole, wait another, he's a dickless dork, geeze I'm glad I got those out of my head, must have been that shitty dirt weed that he tried to palm off on me. I took one toke and puked, must have something to do with the asshole that grew it.


New Member
Wait, I feel one coming, what's that, cuntdiane is an asshole, wait another, he's a dickless dork, geeze I'm glad I got those out of my head, must have been that shitty dirt weed that he tried to palm off on me. I took one toke and puked, must have something to do with the asshole that grew it.
Brain fart, your excused!


Well-Known Member
it is my RIGHT to KILL another human being who comes in my house and tries to steal my kenwood...

And your privilege!!
As of 01/01/2008, in Missouri, you can do just about everything but bar-ba-que the useless SOB, if he has broken into your house.

Sociologists agree, 9mm slugs cure burglars from becoming repeat offenders.

For the record, in Missouri, you cannot be prosecuted or sueded in civil court, for injuries or death you inflict on someone who breaks into your home.


New Member
As of 01/01/2008, in Missouri, you can do just about everything but bar-ba-que the useless SOB, if he has broken into your house.

Sociologists agree, 9mm slugs cure burglars from becoming repeat offenders.

For the record, in Missouri, you cannot be prosecuted or sueded in civil court, for injuries or death you inflict on someone who breaks into your home.
As it should be. More guns=less crime

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
it is my RIGHT to KILL another human being who comes in my house and tries to steal my kenwood...

And your privilege!!
It would be great to put you in a white wall room and have you sit with yourself for 5-10 days with nothing but water..

your so tough... LOL..

i bet on day 2 you'd be crying like a baby when WHATEVER your hiding deep inside your mind surfaces to the top.... and you are actually forced to face your fears.. which is really just yourself...


and then you wouldn't need a gun to protect yourself from your scary little stories that you tell yourself..

I'm not sure if you know this... BUT the only thing going on HERE.. is the stories you tell yourself... events happens and then you make up the narrative...

go easy on yourself.... you should leave out the guns.... they are totally over rated and don't make stories really that interesting...



New Member
It would be great to put you in a white wall room and have you sit with yourself for 5-10 days with nothing but water..

your so tough... LOL..

i bet on day 2 you'd be crying like a baby when WHATEVER your hiding deep inside your mind surfaces to the top.... and you are actually forced to face your fears.. which is really just yourself...


and then you wouldn't need a gun to protect yourself from your scary little stories that you tell yourself..

I'm not sure if you know this... BUT the only thing going on HERE.. is the stories you tell yourself... events happens and then you make up the narrative...

go easy on yourself.... you should leave out the guns.... they are totally over rated and don't make stories really that interesting...

When I start taking advice from a looney toon like you, then I'll need a gun; to put myself out of my misery. Or better yet, to protect society from my truly insane ramblings./tendencies? You been in the room bub?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
When I start taking advice from a looney toon like you, then I'll need a gun; to put myself out of my misery. Or better yet, to protect society from my truly insane ramblings./tendencies? You been in the room bub?

well, then.. just let me know if you need any advice... i'd be more than happy to help you get on course :hump:

Would you like me to be in the room?



New Member
why do we 'need' guns in america?

the same reason other soveriegn nations 'need' a nuclear bomb.

to protect ourselves from the socialists and other evils in this nation.