Climate in the 21st Century

Will Humankind see the 22nd Century?

  • Not a fucking chance

    Votes: 45 28.1%
  • Maybe. if we get our act together

    Votes: 41 25.6%
  • Yes, we will survive

    Votes: 74 46.3%

  • Total voters
You hit the nail right on the thumb. Many have that ignorant and benighted attitude.

Btw the skyline with wind turbines in the first article is visible from another angle out my west window.

What is the sound like?

There were 11 hours of negative electricity price hours this weekend. For six hours - one on Saturday, three on Sunday, and two on Monday - market prices dropped to such an extent that, including energy tax and VAT, people with a dynamic contract got money instead of paying for their electricity. So they got paid for running the dryer or charging the electric car during those hours.

That was a month ago. Last weekend again, electricity rates dropped to minus 40 cents per kWh for a while. What‘s not mentioned in the article is people with solar and a dynamic contract. Who normally receive money for putting excess power on the grid but have to pay money for doing that when rates are negative. Costing up to 30bucks just this weekend. Some have smart EV charger at home that determine the best times to charge but good affordable home batteries would solve a lot of issues. Of course they could simply turn off the panels instead.
We’re so not prepared for this:

Code red in some areas now. Not unusual weather, worse, unique for now. First strong summer storm ever recorded here. 2 dead.




Trucks falling over


“Dung beetles spend hours rolling up balls of dung to attract females,” he said. “But there are some very smart dung beetles that just sit by the side and watch while others do hard work. Then they shoot in, take the dung ball, take the girl and run away with everything. That’s Joe Biden.”


Here is an example of what rooftop solar can do for the grid with energy storage. With wind power rooftop solar can make a significant contribution to the power requirements of the grid and generate the power where it will be mostly used. It won't be long before there are solar roofing shingles and tiles integrating it into roof, instead of sitting on top, in some places it might be mandated for new construction and new roofs.

For Massachusetts to meet it ambitious clean energy goals, the state needs to build between 25 and 35 gigawatts of solar capacity by 2050. Currently, there are about 3 gigawatts installed — so it’s a tall order.

The report finds that the state could theoretically put up to 506 gigawatts of solar on rooftops, over parking lots or on ground-mounted installations. However, only 52 of those potential gigawatts are deemed “top-rated,” meaning they scored well among six criteria, like whether the parcel serves as critical habitat for animals or would require costly electrical infrastructure upgrades to support solar development.


The White House quietly released a report with a striking conclusion during the news dead zone right before the July Fourth weekend: It’s not a horrible idea to research ways to block the sun’s rays from further heating the planet.

But that doesn’t mean President Joe Biden’s team is ready to push it as a solution to climate change.

Congress had mandated the report — a fact the White House made sure to emphasize in the title, text and accompanying statement. Still, by offering cautious support to geoengineering research, the report could bring efforts once confined to the realm of science fiction into mainstream debate, writes Corbin Hiar.

Limiting how much sunlight hits the Earth is a potentially effective way to combat global warming. But the side effects could be disastrous, some scientists say, and the idea has generated fierce backlash from all corners of the political and scientific worlds.

“Dung beetles spend hours rolling up balls of dung to attract females,” he said. “But there are some very smart dung beetles that just sit by the side and watch while others do hard work. Then they shoot in, take the dung ball, take the girl and run away with everything. That’s Joe Biden.”

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They supposedly found large "natural hydrogen" deposits in France (see above post) so that might make them feel a bit better. I wonder how much methane is mixed in with it though.
Iron air batteries can provide plenty of base load power for a week and other batteries and even super capacitors are used for peaking and adjusting for loads. They are cheap, nontoxic, last a long time and cells can be the size of shipping containers so they can be modularized and warehouses of them can be expanded as needed.

Even the fucking weatherman has to deal with death threats FFS.

Meteorologist on receiving death threats over his climate crisis reports

142,143 views Jul 8, 2023 #msnbc #climate #meteorologist
Some scientists believe that July 4th may have been one of the hottest days on Earth in 125,000 years, and we keep breaking these records. The earth’s average temperature set a new unofficial record on Thursday, the third such milestone in a week that was already rated as the hottest on record. Meteorologist Chris Gloninger discusses receiving death threats for reporting on the climate crisis before leaving the TV news profession as a result with Joy Reid. Jeff Goodell, author of ‘The Heat Will Kill You First,’ also joins The ReidOut on MSNBC.
perhaps because they are excellent examples of people who are “famous; only nobody knows it.” I can’t name a one, and I believe that’s how they like it.
Then maybe we ought to change that. These people need to be household names...they're responsible for direly damaging the environment we all exist in, and should be held accountable.

How "solar grazing" is creating a new industry

36,141 views Jul 8, 2023
In many parts of the country, agricultural land is being used to house solar panels. The panels create renewable energy, and the land remains usable for grazing farm animals, which control the vegetation around the technology. The two fields working together have led to a new industry called "agri-solar." Dana Jacobson has more.
I'm pretty sure a compact cheap EV would sell very well, the average life of the US vehicle fleet has been increasing and is now at 12 years, better more expensive cars and poorer people are why. Something that could charge to 50 miles range with and internal 120V charger overnight or that can be quick charged would sell well IMO. The right design could be the "Model T" of EVs, if it is cheap enough and fits consumer needs.

I wouldn't buy a Tesla, but if they pull it off it will cause other car makers to react with similar cheap cars.
