Clone bag seed continual grow!!

Heres my first pics of all my newly rooted clones already transplanted. I have them under 40 w t8s for now then ill bud them when they are big enough. Im gonna include all these other plants i have currently budding in this journal as well, here they are.

1 2 3 and 4 are the new clones

5 6 7 8 and 9 are some piddly clones i have roughly 40 days into flowering

10 11 and 12 are a little bigger clone thats farther into budding but smaller due to lack of light which i increased, so itll catch up soon.

13 14 15 and 16 are of a 3 foot clone like 30 days in doin pretty well besides some heat damage on the top.

17 and 18 are of a mutant plant i grew 12/12 from clone


heres some more pics for everyone that reads this (noone).

1st pic is of the clone ive had flowering for idk 45 days or so, doing pretty good.

2nd is of the mutant clone that was 12/12 from the start.

3rd is of one of the 3 foot~ clones that is a little more than halfway done w budding.

4th 5th 6th and 7 pics are of the enormous mother plant thats been flowering for 45 days or so also.Its hard to see in the pic but its at least 3 ft in diameter probably 2 feet high, and has about a hundred budding sites.

8th and 9th are of some skimpy clones a couple weeks away from bein done.

10th and 11th are a couple more clones around 3 foot one's at 25 days and the other is at about 30

12 and 13 are of the mother plant that these upcoming clones came off of.

14 and 15 are the babies of 12 and 13.. lol, growing nicely also out of 9 I took 8 lived and one is stunted.

