Hey man this is in response to your message that you sent me. I tried to just post it on your profile but it was to long! So I don't know where else to post but here, hope this helps.
Yea man I LST ALL of my plants! That is the ONLY way I grow! And it's really quite simple, let me explain:
Ok so first thing you want to do is make a counter tie. This is a string (or whatever you wanna use, I use twine) tied 1-2 inches above the soil around the main stem. No whichever way you are wanting to bend the main top, you want the counter tie going to opposite direction. Here's a few picture to show you what I'm talking about:
Clone right before transplanting and first training:
SAME plant imidately after a transplant and first training (notice you can see the counter tie towards the bast of the plant, and the other tie is towards the top pulling the MAIN growth tip down)
What you are trying to do is tie the plant so that the MAIN growth tip is lower than the rest of the branches growing, this sort of trick's the plant into thinking those brnaches are more important thus putting more energy into growing them in turn giving you multiple colas at the same height [ideally]
And this is that same plant after having a day to recover in the light.
LST really is a phenominal technique and is also quite easy. Done correctly you can greatly increase your yield!
As for trimming, or pruning, I usually cut the bottom 1/3 of the plants NODES off right when I put them in flower. Cut the NODES off, NOT ANY of the leaves! The more leaves your plant has the better because it can take in more light. BUT you do want to cut the lower nodes [places where buds are gonna form] off so that you are not getting any little baby ass nugs that won't even load 1 bowl. That energy is then used on fattening up the BIG buds on the plant. Your lighting and setup have whole lot to do with how or if you should prune also.
I hope this has helped and if you have any more questions go ahead and ask. I've got a couple journals roaming around here somewhere with ALL my LST plants if you feel like watching them grow.
Oh and here's a couple pix of that same plant in flower, the pix a few weeks old, but I'm chopping her down on sat.