Clone Harvest Contest!

The babies are about 2.5-3 feet tall nothing but cola. They are in 20 oz cups believe it or not. Looks like the stretch is over. I just hope they get nice and fat like my hydro girls. My competition clones will be done DWC tho.Thanks DK.
The babies are about 2.5-3 feet tall nothing but cola. They are in 20 oz cups believe it or not. Looks like the stretch is over. I just hope they get nice and fat like my hydro girls. My competition clones will be done DWC tho.Thanks DK.
oh thats just dirty.........fuckin dwc buds are the biggest things i've ever seen. i'm gonna try to beat it in aero/nft when i get it finished. dewey yer screwed if he's in your class. fuck i hope all the 1000w'ers are s.o.g. E&F like me. if not.....eeks:shock:
Bugs seriously man.. Im just trying to get mine to look like ur monsters on the tables!
But ill take that as the one and only compliment ill probably ever get from ya. LOL. Respects man. Hmmm wonder where i even got these crazy S.O.G idea's from anyway haha.
Yeah ..

I suck.. you guys can give the last place award already...

I managed to pull the worst weights I have ever had...

Even the Aerogarden got me a better G/W rating...

Well... what do I get for last place..?

I already have the big black dildo up my my butt... with no vaseline (fucking miniaturized clones...) so let's pick something a little more soothing, shall we......
Bugs seriously man.. Im just trying to get mine to look like ur monsters on the tables!
But ill take that as the one and only compliment ill probably ever get from ya. LOL. Respects man. Hmmm wonder where i even got these crazy S.O.G idea's from anyway haha.

i'm full od compliments, you must be thinking of sparkafire. i remember my buds when i was doing dwc. they were scary!!! huge things you couldnt put both hands around. i have never seen growth like that since. i am hoping the aero gets it. but my tables have put out some leg sized monsters as some of you have seen. i respect dwc in a big way. and those willing to do it. i'm too lazy anymore.
Yeah ..

I suck.. you guys can give the last place award already...

I managed to pull the worst weights I have ever had...

Even the Aerogarden got me a better G/W rating...

Well... what do I get for last place..?

I already have the big black dildo up my my butt... with no vaseline (fucking miniaturized clones...) so let's pick something a little more soothing, shall we......
i got a spare resin coated glass pipe that looks like what you would imagine Tiggers' dick to look like. that should soothe it a lil bit. was there a reason that happened? i dont remember.
I had no clones...

So I fed the machine with miniaturized ones...

I only used a little bit of my secret potion, so I thought they would outgrow it...

But nooooooo.... the Gypsy has to make his voodoo so strong not even he can undo it...

Fucking retard....
oh thats just dirty.........fuckin dwc buds are the biggest things i've ever seen. i'm gonna try to beat it in aero/nft when i get it finished. dewey yer screwed if he's in your class. fuck i hope all the 1000w'ers are s.o.g. E&F like me. if not.....eeks:shock:

dont hold ya breath :-x
Hey all!! Just wanted to say thanks for PM's & help here during my recent trauma/drama LOL There will be extra cheering for you know who you are;) Dewey, any more contestants??? Not going to be long now.... WOOHOO!! I must say the pics here are giving me mouth watering desire to flower my plants.... you are so bad LOL Anyone here use a cloner? Any opinions on which are best? Come a bitch out...please?!?!?! MJ
ok guys, so i have roots on my cuttings, so i can start doin clones :D but the only prob is i dont know which is a female just yet so i may be entering in a little late. put me down for the 400w group! WHOOPTY SCOOP!
Hey MayrJane, glad to hear you got your lock off! I have had a really hard week! And have been super bummed! Not sure if I will even compete, but will try my best! Cloner, I really want to build an Aero Cloner myself. This Rockwool shit is pissing me off. Someitmes I will have a good batch, sometimes I wont. God Dammit! Oh well, I have pletny of medicine to get me through the hard times! :)

Z.V.C.G. Contest!!!

Start Date: May 31st

1000W Cup

1. LoudBlunts
2. JonnyBtreed
3. Doktorgreenthumb420
4. Bugsrnme

600W Cup

1. Deweykox
2. GypsyBush
3. NewbieG
4. SayWord
5. NewHiddenGrower

400W Cup

1. Ryknow
2. Onthedl0008
3. SpruceZeus
4. Gmoneys
5. NeoAnarchist
6. MaryJane777
7. NeoAnarchist
And remember boys and girls... "pot will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no pot" Freewheeling Frank - The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers...
This is a great idea! We should do this a couple of times a year or maybe just an annual thing. Some suggestions of mine i reckon the cuttings should be between 4"-6" but have to be an excact size and everybody in the comp has to take a pic with a ruler or tape measure measuring the stem only. I reckon it should not be veg till they root i reckon veg for 10-14 days pik one and then on the selected day they have to be put in the flower room rooted or not and a maximum of 2 clones can be used but only one can go into the flower room. I lik the idea of the template and that should be used and maybe some more added on as you said....
well thats my 2 cents have fun with it guys :( i cant join in still livin at home but have so many plans and ideas for stealth and closet rooms drawn up in my book and when i move out they will start comin to life......if any1 needs help with designin stealth closet give me a buzz
Hi Dewey;) Doesn't it just make you wanna scream?!?!?! I am having rockwool issues myself GRRRRRRRR What??? Not compete??? No way!! This was your have to participate!! You can do alot in 20 days.... & I'm cheering for ya' soooooooooo you best get your ass in gear, LOL J/K but seriously don't throw in the towel just yet. Am jealous you have plenty of meds to keep you sane....climbing the walls here. See? Someone always has it worse;) Stay focused, MJ