Well-Known Member
Still lookin for cheerleaders? I can still manage some pigtails & some pom poms....MJ
right i said, my crown/hat size is 7-3/4" (big . i know)
this is no shit hat size is that also ...i think it should be about weight
i got a question when you all refer to dwc do you mean like net cups in totes type of thing or does that just describe a system wher you let roots hang in water with airstones ?
Still lookin for cheerleaders? I can still manage some pigtails & some pom poms....MJ
Still lookin for cheerleaders? I can still manage some pigtails & some pom poms....MJ
Ooooooo Yeeeeeea..( Barry manilow voice ) Hahah
OK boys.... we need an update on contestants in each categoryAm feeling a few ***stars*** emerging already. I do like shiny things... love the idea about using the foil hat for the winner!! WOOOOOHOOOOOO (shaking pom poms) MJ