Clone help! (pics)?


Well-Known Member

Hey guys & gals
As you can see (hopefully) I've got 3 clones growing, to be planted outside towards the end of may. They are chillin in a large rubbermaid container with 2- 23w 6500k cfl & 2- 13w 3000k cfl bulbs. They are about 8" away from the bulbs & watering every time pots are light. Humidity is very low (10-20%) but they are misted 2x a day most days. Raising the humidity is nearly impossible as the fans run constant. Temps hover in high 70's to mid 80's. Light cycle is 16/8 to mimick the sun once they will be moved outside. They were cut from the mother April 9th (3 weeks ago) yet are still very very small, I was hoping they would be bigger by now. I dont want to use nutes as they wont get much once they are outside. What can I do to help them along? It looks to me like they might be flowering?? could the 16/8 light cycle be causing them to flower?!?! The lights have been turned off for 4-5 hours a couple of days due to extra stealth issues but they always turn on @ 5:30am and off @ 9:30pm regardless of how 'cloudy' the day has been.
Note: the dead leaves have been trimmed off already.


Well-Known Member
leave the lights on for 24 hours... dont try to mimic the sun because your lights arent even close to the sun... when you get ready to move them outside take them out for a few hours a day, and gradually increase the amount of outdoor light they get over a week... if you move them from indoors to outdoors at once it can stress them...

different strains of MJ have different critical light periods... 14/10 can send some strains into flowering... i dunno if 16/8 will.. but its close enough it could just confuse the shit out of your plant into not knowing wether to veg or flower...


1. change the light period to 24 hhours a day until your ready to move them out
2. slowly introduce the sun so they dont stress
3. plants need nutes (even outside)... when you water them next water them with a 1/4 strength nute solution... they prolly could use them...

hope that helps.. and good luck


Well-Known Member
well how were they rooted? cause if they were cutt off the mother plant 3 weeks ago, im sure ur not gonna c a lot of growth already, being that you get roots in a week to 14 days. give em some time and they start to show signs of new growth once they get their "feet"


Well-Known Member
This is only my second time with clones & suprisingly the first time went better. The first time they were under flouros 18/6 and after a week and a half to root they took off, after 3 weeks they had a good 2" of new growth, granted some was streching. these have more wattage on them w/ 2 hours less light a day. I cant believe its making such a big difference?!! Oh and the low humidity too!


Well-Known Member
i would HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend keeping any clones you get under 24 hours of light... especially under the floros you have... thats not very much light.... youll get a lot better results.. and quicker results... if you keep them under 24/7 light....


Well-Known Member
i would HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend keeping any clones you get under 24 hours of light... especially under the floros you have... thats not very much light.... youll get a lot better results.. and quicker results... if you keep them under 24/7 light....
Alright i think i will switch them up to 24/0 light, but wouldnt they switch to flower once i move them outside? there will only be about 15 hours of light a day once outside.


Well-Known Member
if you move them out at the end of may/beginning of june you'll be fine... as long as they are recieving about 14 hours of light a day they will stay in veg growth... they might act a little werid because 14/10 can start flowering.. so your plant MAY be a little confused... sort of in between stages... but they will revert to full veg growth as the summer goes by and the days lengthen to 18/6... make sense??