clone help please


Active Member
i have an outdoor plant that hasnt shown its sex yet and i am about to get a clone
can i put it under 12/12 soon as i cut it or do i have to let it root then go 12/12?
Clones can root under 12/ if you want to determine sex then put it straight to 12/12 but if you want some buds from that plant then veg it for some time.


Well-Known Member
to just show sex u can cut the clone put it in a cup o water..and go to 12 12 to establish sex..the top will start to go to bud within the week and youll know root, it needs to be under 18/6 or continuous light, and in a cup of water thatll take ages, ive never been able to wait long enought to know if it works TM ps never tryed to root them in 12 12 maybe im fullof shit


Active Member
for cloning your going to need, clone gel or roottone, then place it in some peet moss and put it under a light 24/7, or until the roots start to pop out.


Active Member
by the time your clone shows ya the plant may show ya first. do you have alternating nodes yet? but can just through it into a cup of water and 12/12 to find out earlier.


Active Member
by the time your clone shows ya the plant may show ya first. do you have alternating nodes yet? but can just through it into a cup of water and 12/12 to find out earlier.

the plant is about 3 feet tall so yeah it has alternating nodes


Active Member
usually the plant will show when its mature and even if not in 12/12. look closely by the nodes toward top of plant. seems like ya gotta be close. just cut some clones and root them. you've got plenty of growing season left and will save ya time if its female. its plenty big to take a 1/3d off bottom.