Clone Help - Rather sickly and yellow/brown

It is with a low head that I say I need help. So ready and hoping to get everything right on my first go alone....oh well.

HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No, HELP THEM!!!!!!!!!!! THE GIRLS NEED YOU! :)

Anyway, these lil' clones are only 14 days old, as you can see they are yellow, which is meh to me....but the tops, they are going brown, dead I assume? I don't have a dome and I can only assume that the temp/humidity is the issue.

Temps range 60-73 and Humidity 30-40 (damn old man winter)

Pics are attached. Also, the one that has roots in the pic, those are the biggest and best roots thus far, 14 days what point should I throw her in some dirt?

Thats also what I don't get, there are nice white roots yet the top is brown and a leaf yellow...I don't know what gives.

I do spray them 2 times a day, should I put a plastic bag over them or something? As for heat, I can't make it much warmer, I have a heater going next to it already.

Thanks ROI community! roots.jpgclone2.jpgclone3.jpgclone4.jpg

I forgot to mention, I have them under 4 6500k t5's that I JUST moved to about 6 inches over them.....past 13.75 days its been about 18-24 inches above.


Well-Known Member
Temps and humidity are way too low in my opinion man. Try to get the temp upwards of 80* and get that humidity up as well.
Yeah that is what I figured.....I just am not too sure how to go about getting them to that level. Ya know? I have a 900w heater next to them, I had a heating pad but it has an auto off feature so there goes that. As for humidity....I don't know.

Any idea what I could use as a dome, in lieu of an actual one?

Thanks for any thoughts!


Well-Known Member
He clearly didn't read your post. Man , i wish I could help you on the cloner but i've never used one. Ya know looking at your pics again, that heater is awfully close to your cloner. You think it could be scorching them? Also what temp is the water and ph ?

also if they have roots I would pot them right away and feed them a very light nutrients solution. Very light solution. !