Clone help


Active Member
image.jpeg image.jpeg so took 25 clones , some
Took forever to root . I think I got some
Bad clonex , I ordered a kit off amazon and when I went back and looked at the date on the kit it said from 2012 so no tellin how long it set on a hot or shitty place , well half of them clones died the other half took forever , took another round of clones using new cloning gel and oasis cubes this time and in a week had lovely lady's ,. Well there I guess boyt 2 weeks ish or lil older now and I was just feeding light nutes and rapid start , this last round I fed bout half strength nutes flora duo a and b , rapid start diamond nectar florolicoius plus . Problem is several of the clones are turnin yellow my PPMs I fed this last time were 480 ish water ppm or 107 .. Was gonna up it a light lick but seems rather odd they turning yellow with that dose of nutes . Temp is 78 humidity is 58 good air , lights around 18 inchs 400w hid and 220w led ... Up the nutes or I got another problem ... Clones r smaller the usuall but didn't have a designated Mother as the time so was using what is now my
Outdoor crop ...


Well-Known Member
So look droopy. Over watering maybe? Did you poke holes in the bottom of the solo cups for drainage? Ime you dont need all the extra nutes just a good veg and bloom, calmg and a sweet is nice for flower.


Active Member
I haven't over watered been waiting till they dry out . Nutes been light like normal never had issues , looks like there gettin a nitrogen def but I'd hate to keep on em , my last two waterings been with nutes so idk , two or three days ago they was Prayin now droppy and it was a day before they was prayin I watered now droppin so idk , hope the bastards ain't dien


Active Member
That's my plan this next round , just concerned bout the leaves lookin like a def , they was a good lookin green now comin yellowish


Active Member
I run happy frog , FFOF and light warrior , for my
Indoor , outdoor I run a super soil that I've near perfected , knock on wood


Well-Known Member
If your clones took awhile to root then yellowing is normal. The xutting use up a large amount of their stored nitrogen trti g to root and stay alive, without roots they cant take up nutes. Dont under or over water and give them time and PHd water with calmg. Mycos and a root booster are great for young plants.


Active Member
These plants have been out of the dome
For 21 days in dirt , been givin light dose of nuts for last few waterings image.jpegthat's may 4th

Then yesterday image.jpegAll the yellow ones were basically dry this morning , gave em ph water only see what happens... Took one of the smallest
Ones out of the cup lastnight and it was full of roots so this next feed I may up the dose see what happens . Makes no sense they was lookin good since poting ... Now I've never had
This issue with any of my
Plants guess I been quite lucky but will them leaves gain there color back or will it
Just be new growth and those leaves
Are fucked .... I think I screwed up to , I usually use FFOF and happy frog but I ended up using light warrior , so mayb I need to go heavier on the nutes ..