Clone Issue


Active Member
Sup folks. I got a little issue, when I clone they are great. They root in about 2 weeks in my germ kit, heat pad underneath, tray on top, and humidity dome on top of tray. They do very well, until its time to transport to my system. Why is it that as soon as I take that humity dome off and get them over in my veg system they tend to fall over and I assume die. I was thinking the next time I am gonna try to get the humidity up real high with a very hot towel then transport so the temp shock wont be so rough. If that dont work imma just buy a mystic cloner.

Any ideas or suggestions.


Well-Known Member
I let them be expose to room air while they are still in the tray and on the heat prior to moving them into the system. Scientific? Not really. It seems to work for me, let's see what the others say. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
when i used a dome a had bad luck, but i did ok if i gave them air 4-5 times a day for 2 or 3 days. then they would sit without dome but still on the heatmat for 4 or 5 days then transplant. now i just skip the dome and clone on the heatmat (Al b fuct ) method.waaaaay more easy.


Well-Known Member
I use the dome and only take it off to mist the first 3-4 days......then after that i start taking the dome off more and more frequently until I see roots I also wet the rockwool cubes in my case when they feel light,but i dont over water or I have probs,once i see roots no more dome just keep spraying them and wetting the cbes until there is enough root mass to start vegging


Active Member
Interesting. So basically the dome should only be used at the very start of rooting. Then say maybe 5 days in start to pull back the dome. I am going to sex soon so when i cut my clones I will try this method. Anymore input . . .


Active Member
I keep my clones/seedlings under the dome until they're showing roots from the 3" cubes. I start em in 1" cubes until I see several pieces of root sticking out, then I stick them into 3" cubes until I see the same. By then, they're strong enough to handle the light/nutes of my garden.

Once they're showing roots, don't mist/spray the clone itself anymore. Just make sure the cubes/medium are wet enough.


I gave up on the dome completely due to similar problems. I do however spray them down a few times a day with PH'd water with some H&G Root Excel and Jumpstart. From my experience (and that is all I really have to go on) I get this problems when the root system is not strong enough to uptake enough water to keep the plants alive under brighter lights. I now let my clones go until I have a nice set of roots coming out the bottom about 3".



Active Member
Its called "hardening" your starts... aclimate them to the new environment, dont just throw them into it. leave the dome off for a couple hours a day at a time until they get used to the low humidity outside the dome. they just came out of a sauna, very high humidity in the dome. also like dregs said keep the lights low until they get used to the new environment. I usualy dont take more than 1-2 days to "harden" them. it does happen pretty quick, and at times you wont need to do this, but its always wise to do so you have no losses.


New Member
Cuttings still pass water from their stomatas if in low humidity if they need to do so to remain cool. The problem is in how to have warm root/cut areas so as to encourage root growth but have cool lighty lit tops in a humid environment to prevent loss of water that can not be easily replaced without roots or adequate roots. Ie this done by using a dome and mistings with heat from below. However this also prevents the roots from quickly developing enough roots to supply adequate water once the dome is removed or the lighting increased. Hense the hardening off stage. Hardening off is a poor term, as really what is happening is that you are just encouraging more root growth not hardening off the plant. One can not harden off a plant aginst a water shortage, once can only cause the plant to grow enough roots that the dome and misting is not needed. Hardening off is just not possible. Causing more root growth is possible. IE once the cuttings have a few roots continue with the dome and mist less, them once all misting is stopped remove the dome. Then a few days later the clones roots systems should be ready for transplanting.


Active Member
Sup folks. I got a little issue, when I clone they are great. They root in about 2 weeks in my germ kit, heat pad underneath, tray on top, and humidity dome on top of tray. They do very well, until its time to transport to my system. Why is it that as soon as I take that humity dome off and get them over in my veg system they tend to fall over and I assume die. I was thinking the next time I am gonna try to get the humidity up real high with a very hot towel then transport so the temp shock wont be so rough. If that dont work imma just buy a mystic cloner.

Any ideas or suggestions.
I use an EZ cloner(or my own creation of one), also I dont use heat pad(its rather cold in my veg room), I dont use any humidity domes, no rooting gel just RO water, Superthrive and clonex. Set the sprayers on straight for like 36 hrs straight then go to normal cycle. I get 100% rooting every time. I have lots of tricks to how I cut them but its more of an "in person" demonstration I would have to give, as thats the way I learned from my master grower. Ill attach some pics but notice how I trim them. I ran out of plant matter and had to use some really scrawny cuttings for the last few but I know they will root. I would use the superthrive drop a gallon and leave your water running for the first 36hrs of cuttings, no humidity bubble either. I did others with water on cycle like my veg and they all fall over like they have no chance. Hope these tips can help you out, keep me updated.



Active Member
ya you gotta open up the vent once you see roots but keep humidity high. this will "harden them" and prepare the clones for no humidity.