Clone Lighting

Ralph Gushman

Active Member
Received some clones from a friend of a friend. I have a small 250 MH, is this light going to be to strong for the clones? I've been searching but can't seem to find the answer.


Active Member
depends on how warm it makes the room, how far away the lights are. I would say no but keep that thing no closer than 18" and just slowly bring it closer as the plants get stronger... are the clones covered with saran wrap or maybe a plastic lid to there containers??


Well-Known Member
It might be too strong if there's nothing covering them, preventing humidity.

I've always been of the understanding that it's better to use less intense light when allowing cuttings to root, and this is always my tried & tested method, but there will obviously be some people who are ready to disagree, and there are always multiple ways of doing things.


Active Member
right. I think if you covered the clones, maybe even with a transparent piece of plastic, I use the semi-clear lids of Tupperware containers to make the light more ambient and far less intense... you cant just buy one or two small daylight cfls and just use those??


Well-Known Member
I have used as little as 1 cfl for the rooting of 16, yes, 16 clones in rockwool, kept humidity, and gave the low intensity required.

Now I use a 150watt envirolight, as I gave all my small cfl's away, and don't see the point in replacing them.

So yeah, my point is I guess allow the cuttings to root with low intensity for best results.