Clone needs help!


Well-Known Member
Woke up this morning and found a fuzzy mildew on some of the dying leaves, so I removed the infected areas, luckily it wasn't on the top or internodes, will my clone still make it? Is it okay to add more rooting gel to the bottom? Its been 3 days, still no roots, but she doesn't look dead... And why did this happen in the first place? Because of the humidity dome? Is there anyway I can prevent it from happening again?



Well-Known Member
Look's far to wet

The dead leaves in the soil/container is going to invite mold and mildew

3 days isn't long enough to root, 7 to 10 days is about average

I use rock wool cubes, but i find the drier i can keep them the better. I figure if they want a drink they'll have to grow some roots. I don't spray the leaves or the dome anymore and have much better success.


Well-Known Member
Awesome dude, that definitely makes since thanks for all the tips and advice, that really helps hopefully she can recover and take root now!
Look's far to wet

The dead leaves in the soil/container is going to invite mold and mildew

3 days isn't long enough to root, 7 to 10 days is about average

I use rock wool cubes, but i find the drier i can keep them the better. I figure if they want a drink they'll have to grow some roots. I don't spray the leaves or the dome anymore and have much better success.


Well-Known Member
To prevent mold and rot with the clones only use a dome for the first 24-48 hrs. If you remove the dome and they collapse then your cloning technique is fucked. Always use large stem cuttings from a healthy mother.
Also that medium is horrible, what is it? it looks like quarry sand and you need to fix that shit up.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know its the best shit I could get around here just some soil I dug up under some trees from ozone layer... I had to cut the bottom portion plus nodes off bottom because the stem wasn't sturdy or deep enough it got all soggy and fell over this morning so I recut and added more rooting gel... Trying again hopefully it can pull through this time.. Wish me luck!