Clone on the verge of death, please help

My clone had rooted once, but she snapped on the move. I put her back in the rockwool and continued the same as before. It's been several weeks and she never rooted again. I then built an aeroponics system but that seemed worse than the rockwool. Currently she is shriveled to about 1/3 of her size before. I tried feeding her, flushing her, hot, cold, etc. I wish I could post a pic. Any advice would be really appreciated.


Well-Known Member
It was a gift from a friend so it's special to me, I really want to save her if I can
Clones don't need to be fed in the rockwool (they don't have roots)

Make sure you have a humidity dome $5.00, a heating pad, and 2 X 23 watt CFL lights to mount (somehow) over the Humidity dome.

Your rockwool should only be moist! Spray the cutting !

It takes time, and there are many good cloning tutorials on this site.

Good Luck ! :bigjoint:
Thanks golddog, it may be too late for her I'm sad to say. I'm gonna give it another shot very soon though. I just put her in soil and I'm just gonna let nature run it's course. Hopefully she lives but if not then it's time for the next one

And I agree this site is amazing lol
Thanks golddog. It might be too late for her. I just put her in soil and if it's meant to happen it will otherwise I'm just gonna have to try again lol she was a good plant


slim chance man. Cloning powder, or root mix, or clonex, or whatever u wanna call it, is actually just a bunch of hormones. If you cloned her once, especially recently, you'll have trouble cloning her again. The clones already know the hormone too well, almost like theyre getting used to it or something. You could keep trying, but I would start over.