Clone Only Strains


Well-Known Member
Hellow All, this is general question. Is it possible to purchase clones from one state or country and have them shipped to another state or country. If anyone has done this, was the plants in good shape? Also is it against the law? I need honest facts, please. Dont need any extra problems.
Yes its very possible to have clones shipped across state lines. A lot of people do this but yes its illegal. You would have to go pick up clones yourself at a dispensary


Well-Known Member
I have sent unrooted cuttings of my clone only strains all over the

people root them after they get um....took 10 days to the U.K.

that's how I got the Exo cheese in trade for my pre98 bubba


Well-Known Member
I have sent unrooted cuttings of my clone only strains all over the world... people root them after they get um...that's how I got the Exo cheese in trade for my pre98 bubba :) Unrooted cuttings are not a living plant ie no roots
Loopholes for the win...Nice man! +rep...There is still rep on this forum, right?


Well-Known Member
root clones in rockwool... keep them small under 6 inches fully rooted... get some damp newpaper and wrap it around the rootmass and rockwool... then get a turkey bag {they come in a few sizes to} and put ur clones in there with dampend newspaper.. get a cheap fish pump and a lil hose... fill upp the turkey bag with air .. roots need air and the bubble acts has protection and any smells {which if ur clones have preflowers on them they will smell} will not get threw the turkeybag.. just knot it off {tie} and get a big enough box to fit them and mail them overnight or they will probally die... all overnight mail travles by air. and gets xrayed... it will show up has plants/organic matter.. they wont know its cannabis unless u don't use usps and they open it how they are allowed to... you can even mark it plants... they will take extra care in handleing..


Well-Known Member
I like the non-rooted clones idea better. I work at a greenhouse and we get cuttings in all the time from all the over the world...just realized how retarded I am for not realizing this sooner...hahaha

The bubble idea is good...but i'm to sketched out by the whole living plant thing.


Well-Known Member
all this game im giving ut aint for free... put money into my paypal account... hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Well-Known Member
As far as I'm aware only licensed seed breeders/companies would be allowed. I was thinking about how to do this recently with a UK clone. I thought that putting a few cuttings in a bag of lettuce salad would be good. Seal the bag, 100% RH and good camouflage!! :)


Well-Known Member
For those that are interested:

Contributed by: Bunzboy

A while back a fellow member here @ OG shipped me some cuts that arrived in perfect condition. I took special note to the way they were packaged & have since had two other members succesfully send & receive cuts the same way, so I thought I'd share the idea.

You will need:
1 - 20 oz. plastic bottle cut in half (you will use the end w/ the cap).
2 - Cloning solution (I use Olivia's).
3 - Rubbing alcohol (like a surgical operation , everything must be sterile).
4 - Toilet paper.
5 - Newspaper.
6 - Masking tape.
7 - Razor blade.
8 - Thin piece of cardboard.
9 - Plastic baggie.
10 - Most important - Donor plant (mother).

Re-cut your cuttings under water using a 45 degree angle cut. Soak a piece of toilet paper in the cloning solution & ring out until it's wet, but not dripping. Remove the cuttings from the water and place the cut ends together. Wrap the toilet paper around the cut ends of the cuttings.

Place the cuttings in the open end of the plastic bottle and push through until the toilet paper comes out the cap end of the bottle. Wrap the toilet paper in newspaper.

Take & cut the corner off a plastic baggie and wrap it around the newspaper to avoid the newspaper drying out while the cuts are in transit. Secure the baggie with a rubber band.

Proceed to wrap the entire cap end in masking tape securing it to the neck of the bottle.

Take a piece of masking tape and place completely around the open end of the bottle. It helps to secure the top if you cut the masking tape in about 4 or 5 places.

Lightly mist the cuttings & put the thin piece of cardboard on the open end of the bottle. Secure with the masking tape that is already in place on the bottle. You now have a container that will protect your babies. Place the entire bottle in a Ziploc baggie.

Wrap the entire bottle in bubble wrap, place in your shipping box, close & tape, label the package (of course w/ a fictitious name ), and it's off to your local post office. When your package is received, re-cut the cuttings & clone as normal. It took me 5 days to receive my cuts that were sent to me in this method & yet they still arrived in perfect condition. Hope this makes it a little easier for each of us to share each other's goodies.

Editors note...
This is a very nice method for packaging clones and shipping them when the package will not be traveling across international borders. IE: Not past customs. For times when packages are traveling past customs more anti scent measures will need to be taken. Oven bags in multiple layers, are a good way to contain the scent, but they must be combined with other precautions like wearing (and changing) gloves, not touching anything mj with the gloves as you place bagged bags into additional layers of oven bags. Not changing gloves or touching cuttings with the same gloves worn to bag the items, will completely defeat the purpose of the oven bags.