Clone only strains

Nah, man. Look at a Nepali, and then chem, and tell me they aren't related. That's absurd, I don't need someone to tell me word of mouth. No other land-race would contribute that kind of structure to my knowledge. The Nepali is the confirmed bit, as it's gone into hybrids since and expressed the Chem structure. I would guess it would be a block-head Afghani and a Nepalese. Real talk. The Nepalese is the Queen of land-races.
Am I trolling? Or do I actually know what I'm talking about. That Vortex you mentioned has a very close parent that was a pure Nepalese.
Nah, man. Look at a Nepali, and then chem, and tell me they aren't related. That's absurd, I don't need someone to tell me word of mouth. No other land-race would contribute that kind of structure to my knowledge. The Nepali is the confirmed bit, as it's gone into hybrids since and expressed the Chem structure. I would guess it would be a block-head Afghani and a Nepalese. Real talk. The Nepalese is the Queen of land-races.
need me some genotyping not sure i believe/disbelieve your notion. neat idea for sure.

id not be buying the dr who seed having a JTR cut i really like & a sexy plush cut from a friend im SO happy to have. luv me some plush.

but you making her look sexy for sure.

unless im getting a cut of chem (wink, wink) im limited to a few more packs of seed which im very specific about : isp, archive, norstar. not much. & to be honest, its elitist.

i like clones. and dude knows already, i have feeler out for only one cut.
but id like several. clones give me a grow boner. its about snob-er-y... only if u say so.

i like my garden. its based on cuts from friends. i have no desire to grow seeds looking for shit all the time. though i like the thrill. have found, still keep, and share FAT phenos.

im about fine tuning & production now. reversing a few plants for fun.
you got a slick roll. do your thing playa.
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Well, there are a lot of Blue Moonshine cuts going around now, I'd pick one of them up if you want to try something new that'll yield really well. That's a really overlooked cut, DJ Short's magnum opus, I think.
It's just practicality. You sacrifice quality for consistency, the goal of elite clones is to mitigate that relationship. Like, if you ran seeds, you might have a heavy feeding 8 week pheno, a light feeding 11 week pheno, and everything in between. A few of those plants will be untouchable holy shit amazing keepers, others will be duds. When it rains, it pours, you know?

It makes a garden very hard to manage. So rather than take the time to do a pheno run, keep mothers, cull bad genetics, worry about this that and the third thing, just to get one monocrop of something that's all great. When you buy clones, you get that off the shelf, but it's not exclusive. It's just a short-cut, and the process of cloning is just part of any grower's lexicon. A lot of people don't have veg facilities, lets say, so it's cheaper to just buy a shipper of teens than bother doing their own propagation. You can turn out a lot of variety faster, which is a virtue in itself.

I prefer the old fashion way, just because it's more unique. It's the difference between writing original music and being in a cover band. Sure, people get dressed up and know all the words to the songs, they just aren't your songs. But it isn't for everyone, and I understand that, both tribes have their place. I love it when people grow my clones, probably more than any other aspect of cannabis. Smoking, growing, nothing compares to sharing clones of your own secret head-stash. It's like an unbreakable bond you have with the plant and the community that could very well outlive you. I think that's pretty groovy, worth every minute I spend doing it.

but say you found your pride and joy.. can't you take two cuttings of that and then use colloidal silver to grow sacks and pollinate one? to create feminized seeds of your fave pheno?