Clone only strains

That is absurd. They only rob you because you set the price so high. Market value of cannabis is much lower than even alcohol. Way less processing, can't even be argued. People wouldn't steal your shit if it wasn't worth it to do so, I grow tomatoes in my back yard and I don't even have a fence.

i ment the power company and the banks .... lol.... folks will always steal .... even to your face ...00.37 per kw hr ... ha ha ha ....
"Market value of cannabis is much lower than even alcohol" really this is greek to me ....
It's all about resin, and you guys aren't growing for resin, you grow for vegetative weight. That's what outdoor is all about, high volume, low trichome content. Just more of it. You can't argue with science, sun-grown resin has larger heads, and less of them per m2 than indoor. It isn't my opinion, don't get pissed at me. You can't grow outdoor that is as resinous as the same cut indoors. This is scientific positivism. That's why there are different categories for indoor, light dep, and outdoor in competitions.
It's all about resin, and you guys aren't growing for resin, you grow for vegetative weight. That's what outdoor is all about, high volume, low trichome content. Just more of it. You can't argue with science, sun-grown resin has larger heads, and less of them per m2 than indoor. It isn't my opinion, don't get pissed at me. You can't grow outdoor that is as resinous as the same cut indoors. This is scientific positivism. That's why there are different categories for indoor, light dep, and outdoor in competitions.
Stop talking like this please. Your babbling all over the place.
It's all about resin, and you guys aren't growing for resin, you grow for vegetative weight. That's what outdoor is all about, high volume, low trichome content. Just more of it. You can't argue with science, sun-grown resin has larger heads, and less of them per m2 than indoor. It isn't my opinion, don't get pissed at me. You can't grow outdoor that is as resinous as the same cut indoors. This is scientific positivism. That's why there are different categories for indoor, light dep, and outdoor in competitions.
ummm go to anaylitical 360 and look at the indoor vs outdoor/ghouse its pretty close race ...
Stop talking like this please. Your babbling all over the place.
mongo he has no idea who he speak with ... greenhouses are where its at .... you should put up a shot of one of your spots ....
Market value is the total mark-up that is justifiable at every stage of production. With beer, say, you have to grow wheat, hops, sugar, find water, process all of those things into useful products, all having value added at every stage of production. Then you have to get them all together in one place, that adds market value, and mix them in discrete and proprietary proportions, which also has a market value. Then shipping and logistics. Every time something changes hands, value is being added to the final product. That's how prices are discovered. Cost to produce X + my value added = adjusted price.

Cannabis is just: Grow plant, cut down, take off leaves, put in jar. Why shouldn't every 6-pack be $45 then? Oh yeah, black markets keeping real price discovery from ever taking hold. Marginal producers like me are less common, you have to talk to the big guys 99% of the time, and they'll rip you off. They'll have their time in the sun, but the arc of history is long but it bends toward market fundamentals.
Light dep greenhouses are getting very close to indoor. They're most likely the future. The really big difference is between some indoor and like a 400 gallon smartpot mendo monster. Quality just isn't there, but it's more than justifed because the volume is enormous and untenable indoors.

I'm actually working on a CXB3590 smart grid for light dep greenhouses, my company is currently working with some pretty big hydro warehouses like Green Growers Co-op to lock in a contract. Might not have a working model in a cannabis garden for another year, but it's looking really good so far.
Market value is the total mark-up that is justifiable at every stage of production. With beer, say, you have to grow wheat, hops, sugar, find water, process all of those things into useful products, all having value added at every stage of production. Then you have to get them all together in one place, that adds market value, and mix them in discrete and proprietary proportions, which also has a market value. Then shipping and logistics. Every time something changes hands, value is being added to the final product. That's how prices are discovered. Cost to produce X + my value added = adjusted price.

Cannabis is just: Grow plant, cut down, take off leaves, put in jar. Why shouldn't every 6-pack be $45 then? Oh yeah, black markets keeping real price discovery from ever taking hold. Marginal producers like me are less common, you have to talk to the big guys 99% of the time, and they'll rip you off. They'll have their time in the sun, but the arc of history is long but it bends toward market fundamentals.

brewery license in colorado - 350$
manufacture infused products- 3500$ teir one 7500 tier 3 as of 2015 .....hmmmmm how many sales to break even .....

brewed beer in boulder . we called it "set it an forget it " style of living ....
you me feel like such a simpleton growing weed an not cleaning brewery gear ..... thanks hope we meet in person someday fucker ....
mos def $1750 bro fucking up the game.

@Joedank before work i just stared at ur mountain yard & greenhouse photo. love that. makes me happy. like i can see my future in that photo.

maybe cause u in the mitten queece that low ball number works.

in the city, (b)east coast, i get $3500 an elbow.
primo. indoor. 2 week flush. tight trim. known quality.

dudes here got my (selected) cuts & smoke nugz i sent them.
cant image u do it better than any of us.

i like ur roll @Queece cause u a fiesty brother.
some of what ur saying is smart too.
he's no dummy just antagonistic.

these guys all good growers in this thread.
Cannabis is not worth shit. You just think it is because the government thugs tell you so. That is absolute truth.
mos def $1750 bro fucking up the game.

@Joedank before work i just stared at ur mountain yard & greenhouse photo. love that. makes me happy. like i can see my future in that photo.

maybe cause u in the mitten queece that low ball number works.

in the city, (b)east coast, i get $3500 an elbow.
primo. indoor. 2 week flush. tight trim. known quality.

dudes here got my (selected) cuts & smoke nugz i sent them.
cant image u do it better than any of us.

i like ur roll @Queece cause u a fiesty brother.
some of what ur saying is smart too.
he's no dummy just antagonistic.

these guys all good growers in this thread.

i kinda like him too in a way " the arc of history is long " classic ... nice turn of phrase ...
I don't know why people get so mad at me for correcting them on their growing practices. I'm a guy that gets really big tomatoes off his plants, your tomatoes look like they could use some work, so I extend my advice. Take it or leave it, it's just a tomato, some of you guys use it as a crutch for a lifestyle or a career. You can make a very good living as a total amateur hack in cannabis, some of you have been very lucky to have jackbooted government thugs keeping your product artificially overvalued.
so cal master, pure kush, (legit) ecsd ...are just a few elites in the the city still going for $400+ a zip.

every year i watch over-ferted cali outdoor fuck up my #s.
i dont hate. cause i know my slice of the pie is solid.

my area, got strains these grow pussies cant even get. THANKS BROS !!!!
if i copped at a stop where i know they grow indoor, and post up...
we'd all laugh. any dude here making flower 100x better.

and that shit is $20 a gram ! LOL !

im smoking caramel candy kush & wish mountain so FADED right now. nobody got that around here.

corner boys buy your $1750 and one day call it purple d, next god bud, next kush. same fucking nug.

i switch 75% of my practices from a few conversations w/ stow.
these guys have changed the way i look at plants & production & feeding.

never thought id have worm in my basement & be using crab meal.
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I don't know why people get so mad at me for correcting them on their growing practices. I'm a guy that gets really big tomatoes off his plants, your tomatoes look like they could use some work, so I extend my advice. Take it or leave it, it's just a tomato, some of you guys use it as a crutch for a lifestyle or a career. You can make a very good living as a total amateur hack in cannabis, some of you have been very lucky to have jackbooted government thugs keeping your product artificially overvalued.

lets talk when your 10 years in the game ....
I don't know why people get so mad at me for correcting them on their growing practices. I'm a guy that gets really big tomatoes off his plants, your tomatoes look like they could use some work, so I extend my advice. Take it or leave it, it's just a tomato, some of you guys use it as a crutch for a lifestyle or a career. You can make a very good living as a total amateur hack in cannabis, some of you have been very lucky to have jackbooted government thugs keeping your product artificially overvalued.
Why are you having conversations with yourself?