We're all 12 from the same exact mother, or were there mulitple moms at first?
As far as this whole phenotype switching thing, that would make cloning for mothers basically useless. I really would need more proof that a phenotype can change, or that the same mother can produce multiple phenotypes.
The reason why one of the first, most basic lessons for growers is how to clone. It's because the science behind it is there and anyone can master it. Most of the produce found in supermarkets are clones. Even a mammal has been cloned.
What it sounds like to me is like you are saying that if I buy a pack of Chernobyl and am lucky enough to find the golden ticket pheno, if I keep a mother of that specific plant and discard the rest, that I may still get those other plants traits in subsequent runs?
IMO, if this were true this thread could never even exist, just think there would be no guarantee that you would get the specific "clone only" pheno.
I have seen friendships ruined, people's personal info posted and even robberies threatened, over "supposed" cuts. I know for a fact there is a lot of bs and lying about names in this community and my extensive experience on riu has made me very critical of others claims. I have learned to ask lots of questions and ask for pics, my rule is, no pics it ain't happen