Clone or a clone of a clone

How many times do I tell u guys, that I knew my PH was high from the beginning but I didn’t have Ph down so I had to rely on the 3 part to even out my ph and I had no flush of growth all the way thru til the end of veg there where I had sum mag/iron deficiency.. that’s straightened out now though.. and I had a 2 year off of growing cuz I had to go to rehab to get clean off the pills .. like I said I have a fuckin answer for anything u wanna dig up cuz I’m a real motherfucker it’s hard to find ppl like me that actuLly keep give haters fuel for the fire and be so str8 up wit u guys bout anything
Like I said this is my 2nd indoor grow, I’ve grown outy my whole life tho and I wouldn’t rly consider this my 2nd grow indoors cuz I been around it for so long, I just like asking questions and being better safe than sorry, I’m a super OCD/ADD type of guy as u can tell, so I have to do everything perfect and I’m unhappy with average results in anything I do
U think I ain’t got two keeper pheno’s already picked out the bunch and on “root” an I don’t got a trellis net coming into play next round and maxing that shit out? u guys r craay zee .. I’m only doing 6 next time Creating a scrogzilla baby, this is just a quickie hence wh y I have 9 I added 3 in there to cut my veg time down by two weeks so I can harvest by first of June gives me enuff time to setup for outdoor
Biggest plant I ever grew was in my 2nd year grow outdoors in 07/08 Mixed my own supersoil up with everything bone blood meal , 50 year old compost manure from the pile n everything organic..worm casting etc, out back our farm ..go5 to the spot dug a hole so deep when I jumped in it I could barely get out and I’m 6’1 .. 3ft deep at least by 3.5-4 feet each way easy but I was 14-15 yrs old and I was reading hardcore google everything right,so I was all horny to do shit right from day 1.. Holland’s hope it got close to 7 ft tall lil over 6.5 , and it was wider than my hole width by a half foot overhang each side me n my cousin could even come close to touching fingers hugging this tree..and this kid is telling me what size of bucket can yield what size of plant gimme a fkin break

So the biggest and best plant you ever grew was when you were 15?


fucks sake. The brass balls on this guy.

with his G’s and OG’s still must be stuck in fucking 2007/2008.

Get a fucking grip mate. You’re in the adult world now!
Here sum fun facts for today— big bud is one of the best supplements u can give ur plant as a base nutrient booster, nirvana creates insane resin content, voodoo juice amazing gear keeps ur roots happy.. it don’t rly matter what ur base nute is as long as ur giving ur plantbthe desired n-p-k levels they need and it ain’t sumthing house league like miracle grow...I used plant prod 20-20-20 for years in veg outdoors and stack mondter grow with it for a nitro boost last couple weeks of July b4 flower.. and I use rhino skin n botonicare sweet, there very good products but any silica will do.. then for bloom I traded up monster bloom for big bud and never went back this would of been in 2012 ish when I gave up the monster line by grotek , I’ve had 3 diff regiments going one year outside flora nova , the all purpose 20-20-20 n 15-30-15, and Dagda time release u just top dress that shit twice in veg and once for bloom n a lil more again two weeks in so they don’t yellow off too hard an it works great tbh.. that’s why I’m running Gaia green again this year
It’s on a switch it’s pretty dope, time to roll up two doobs tho 1 wedding cake and 1 lemon zkittlez coming rite up, an give this a break misewell go for a lil gander on the snowmobile b4 all the snows gone fer good. Il bring the snowshoes wit me an keep scouting for guerilla spots I been seeing hard lately for “high ground” lol no more lazy mounds too I’m actually gonna be productive this year
Here sum fun facts for today— big bud is one of the best supplements u can give ur plant as a base nutrient booster, nirvana creates insane resin content, voodoo juice amazing gear keeps ur roots happy.. it don’t rly matter what ur base nute is as long as ur giving ur plantbthe desired n-p-k levels they need and it ain’t sumthing house league like miracle grow...I used plant prod 20-20-20 for years in veg outdoors and stack mondter grow with it for a nitro boost last couple weeks of July b4 flower.. and I use rhino skin n botonicare sweet, there very good products but any silica will do.. then for bloom I traded up monster bloom for big bud and never went back this would of been in 2012 ish when I gave up the monster line by grotek , I’ve had 3 diff regiments going one year outside flora nova , the all purpose 20-20-20 n 15-30-15, and Dagda time release u just top dress that shit twice in veg and once for bloom n a lil more again two weeks in so they don’t yellow off too hard an it works great tbh.. that’s why I’m running Gaia green again this year

Advanced nutrientS are trash and big mike is a pedo.
U bet, I should of just showed yas my gas pump watering can and u would of known I was gangster af without me having to say it hah

Seems like you’ve learned a lot in a few weeks considering your AN products are the bomb.

oh hang on a min you were asking how to use them on the 1st April. What PPM will it get if you add 1.5ml of each.

sorted out what’s munching on your leaves yet?

sorted out a better water source due to your high 8.1ph filtered tap water yet?

how about your sulfur deficiency you through you had?

come on man though you were the Motha Fuckin OG G???
Seems like you’ve learned a lot in a few weeks considering your AN products are the bomb.

oh hang on a min you were asking how to use them on the 1st April. What PPM will it get if you add 1.5ml of each.

sorted out what’s munching on your leaves yet?

sorted out a better water source due to your high 8.1ph filtered tap water yet?

how about your sulfur deficiency you through you had?

come on man though you were the Motha Fuckin OG G???

I know u guys r digging hard but ur in clay boys u ain’t gonna stump me, like I said I love asking all sorts of questions and fit myself in on some topics wile I grow in case I can learn sum shit along the way I don’t already know. I think it’s alrite to ask simple questions like for example “how much ppm would 2ml/liter work to b guys.” And etc .. it was me trying to make light work of this grow without having to find out how heavy this feed is the hard way, cuz I heard so many remarks of ppl only being able to run half strength cuz of nute burn and sum other ppl on the or whatever the fuck it is they claim they give there plants 4ml a liter 3/4 way thru there 8 week veg cycle? Like whaaaaa? The fuck am I spose to believe? I do know now tho since I been using it for the last month that I probly won’t b going over 2.5ml a liter an that will b mid bloom if they even do get a dose that heavy may only go up to 13-1400ppm
And it’s noobies like u guys that love to bash comments wile truly believing ur veteran caliber growers. But if u look at there end results it ain’t AAAA and it ain’t even dank er sticky.. all I know is my final product is always sick af looking my outdoor the day I jar it to burp I can stick my hand in a freezer bag of bud straight in and I can pull my hand out and have a couple grams stuck to the tips of my middle fingers n shit. Then I can snap the stem, not wet. Just sticky icky ickyyyyy
And u guys can send me shit like I donno how to do this I donno how to run nutrients that.. but then u take s look inside my tent and see optimal results so it speaks for itself I guess
Seems like you’ve learned a lot in a few weeks considering your AN products are the bomb.

oh hang on a min you were asking how to use them on the 1st April. What PPM will it get if you add 1.5ml of each.

sorted out what’s munching on your leaves yet?

sorted out a better water source due to your high 8.1ph filtered tap water yet?

how about your sulfur deficiency you through you had?

come on man though you were the Motha Fuckin OG G???

I don’t wanna be a dick, but your a “miracle grow special” kind of guy aren’t you? Or can’t afford a 3 part? Only two types of ppl talk shit bout top end base nutrients
I don’t wanna be a dick, but your a “miracle grow special” kind of guy aren’t you? Or can’t afford a 3 part? Only two types of ppl talk shit bout top end base nutrients

I sorted out my issues as u see cuz it was a light issue, not much flush of growth aside from that so far buddy, pretty good looking for an elite strain mag hog in gorilla zkittlez ....n I figured out every single thing u just listed yes , in a matter of 24 hours actually