Johnny Lawrence
Well-Known Member
How many times are you gonna repeat this, you little bitch?I’m out for ever these ppl piss me off way too bad, fuck your pics fuck this site man can’t even deal with ya’s anymore
How many times are you gonna repeat this, you little bitch?I’m out for ever these ppl piss me off way too bad, fuck your pics fuck this site man can’t even deal with ya’s anymore
.I mite just never come bac on this site again tho cuz mos of ya’s r idiots foreal
No, I would say we have a very good idea. Prove us wrong.......with your next harvest of course lol.Uguys all have no understanding of who I am do ya’s
I had a bunch of 25-35 gram wet buds, so obv I got a decent crop?
Loving that man, not sure I'd look forward to trimming those suckers though! Nice job, well done.So we gonna do this or you all talk cus I got proof of my work ???View attachment 4531916View attachment 4531918
And u have no idea who is what, so fuck right off dude u ain’t know nothing just like I know nothing.
We don’t know each other dude go fuck yourself real bad now
Sup canadianjoker420?
Did I just catch the end of the greatest rick roll ever?
Please say I did rofl
Shit, I jumped in the middle end somewhere and had to back up, what a clown.
An embarrassment to Canada that’s for sure. Maybe USA can take him in?
Reading is fundamental
and no you never caught the end of shit
Go back to page 1, do not pass go, do not collect $200
An embarrassment to Canada that’s for sure. Maybe USA can take him in?