Clone: Outdoors -> Indoors?


Well-Known Member
Is there any particular method to bringing a clone from the outdoors to indoors? or do you have to treat it as you would the opposite in which you "harden" the indoor plant to get used to outdoor intensity?


Well-Known Member
not sure what you mean but i grow indoors in a few 150hps street light and 26w cfl homemade cabinets and do 2 crops of 10 to twenty outdoors every year and have been for bout 10 yrs i start cloning from indoor females in feb and place the vegged 2ft tall ones out early early to mid march depending on forecast when the sub 30f nights are over then harvest late may at about fourteen hours light let em go longer and they seem to reveg abit and have leafy green taste but that could just be my strain which is a creation of my own breeding also been doing autos outdoors for bout five yrs because of small size i an do 30 or 40 of them without being noticed but to answer what i think might be your question the last 2 yrs ive been playing and have decided not to do the autos late season because ive noticed i an clip the second crop of clones from indoor once theve been out a few weeks in june cause they grow like mad one outdoors in there full sun spot in then bring those clippings inside and plae them in a cup of water with a foil top with holes poked in foil stem placed through holes for seven days by then i have two or three good roots plae em in dirt water them good for 2 or 3 days then put em on normal schedule wait bout a week put them back outside to flower and they yeild better than autos and still stay small because they go to flower almost instant in late july after rooting and vegging a week or 2 under 24/7.but if i overshot yer question and yer just askin if you can move in then yes if you want it the veg more give eighteen or more hours light or to flower 12-14 hours light