Clone outdoors?


Active Member
Is it possible to clone outdoors?...its quite the hike so was hoping i would only have to bring 1 -2 clones..let em grow a bit n than clone those to get however many i feel. gonna start with a couple clones indoor n move em outdoor once i feel they got some strength..what ya think?


Active Member
Alright thanks guys, was just unclear on if outdoor growers cloned inside first n than outside. I'll do more research, but would you say do it the exact same as inside? humidity dome n whatnot. or just plant the bitches n see if they grow?


Well-Known Member
When I clone outside I have just clipped and stripped back the branch and dip in rooting hormone like usual and put them into jiffy pellets or rockwool and plant in a small container with soil. It will take them awhile to do anything at all. I just leave them there and check on them every couple days to water lightly. Keep in mind I do this in my yard and don't know what would happen if you are out in the brush doing it. I have had about a 50% success rate so like I said prepare to lose some. ;) Not the best method but I was just seeing if it could be done. :)


Active Member
does it have to be rockwool? would soil alone work? imma deffinetly plant more than i want and in different places just incase of rippers or coppers...brush, get plenty of rain though so i dont think i'll have to go up more than 2 times a week


Well-Known Member
You can clone a branch before you cut it off.... What you do is strip off a leaf about 4-6 nodes from the tip of the selected branch. Use a clean blade and remove a little of the stems outer surface. While the branch is still on the plant, take a soaked rapid rooter and make a slit down the side, deep enough to reach the middle. Dab the inside with rooter gel and wrap the rapid rooter around the stalk, covering the spot you skinned. Use a rubber band or a long twist tie to secure it, and then cover the rooter with black plastic, preferably misting the inside first and gently secure it around the rapid rooter to maintain moisture.

In 10-14 days, you can gently remove the plastic and you should see roots coming out of the rapid rooter. At this time, cut the branch right below the rooter and plant your new clone. This is the best on site cloning method I know of so far. Because the clone is grafted from an outdoor plant, there will be no need to harden it before planting outside.


Active Member
'As strange as the method sounds, this way of propagation has actually been practiced for centuries – although it’s not too common because of the time it takes to “grow” a cutting. Typically the best time to air layer is in early spring on the past year’s growth. Many times the cuttings are ready by fall, but some cuttings may take two growing seasons to root.'

I dont think its an option :P especially outdoor


Well-Known Member
ofcourse you can grow you clones outdoors, check my outdoor thread mate, i grow them all year round, in a greenhouse in winter and outside in good weather, i always have them growing in the yard, get them about 5-6 weeks old first, o they toughen up, then whackem outside, i have 6 in my backyard at the moment



Well-Known Member
A fruit tree or other woody variety of plant may take that long, cannabis doesn't.. :)

'As strange as the method sounds, this way of propagation has actually been practiced for centuries – although it’s not too common because of the time it takes to “grow” a cutting. Typically the best time to air layer is in early spring on the past year’s growth. Many times the cuttings are ready by fall, but some cuttings may take two growing seasons to root.'

I dont think its an option :P especially outdoor


Active Member
flowamasta, i was meaning are you able to start the clones outdoor, but i guess you can. I'll keep an eye on your thread


New Member
ofcourse you can grow you clones outdoors, check my outdoor thread mate, i grow them all year round, in a greenhouse in winter and outside in good weather, i always have them growing in the yard, get them about 5-6 weeks old first, o they toughen up, then whackem outside, i have 6 in my backyard at the moment

Can I plant my clone with the rockwool still attached to the bottom directly into the soil if not how do I plant my Clones outdoors when they arrive