Clone problem please help???

hey everyone i got a few clones going and they seem to be turning a little yellow?? any ideas??? they are in a humidity dome and im using these rapid rooters they have been going for about 5 days now need your help


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
hey everyone i got a few clones going and they seem to be turning a little yellow?? any ideas??? they are in a humidity dome and im using these rapid rooters they have been going for about 5 days now need your help
perfectly normal, there just lacking nitregon. but don't give them any. they willbe fine.. once they root and transplanted and feed then the new growth sould be nice and green...:mrgreen:


Active Member
Yellowing is normal for the leaf that you leave on a clipping.

As long as you spray the plants every day and keep the humidity in the dome high, most should root just fine.

I personally like to use 50ppm nute solution from day 1 (cutting) until day 7, even though at day 1 there isn't any root to absorb the nute, I like the nute solution to be there and ready when the first root nub starts taking in nutes, then I bump it up to 350ppm for a week, then 500 ppm for week 3 and 4. By week 4 they're ready to flip to 12/12.

I add about 5ml of weak nutes to each rapid rooter, then let it dry out (not all the way dry), then I add another 5ml to each rapid rooter. By Day 7 they should have tons of roots sticking out of the rapid rooter plug.