Clone question


So I got these clones from my dealer when they were about the height of two bic lighters. They are white widow and snow cap or both WW or both snow cap, I don't really know for sure, they look like the same to me.

Anyways, I have no experence with clones but they look so much less bushy then my plants I have going right now from seeds. Is this normal? I can tell that the clones were taken from a plant that was but into flower, don't know if that is bad or not. When should I put them into my flower room? I put my other plants into flower when they were like 10-12 inchs and the clones are getting there but they have such less bush.

Toking Tide

Well-Known Member
assuming the mother was old enough to flower then the clones are too. Stick them in there now and they will get bushy real quick


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
You could also let them veg a little longer then top them to get bushier before you flower. They do look a bit spindly.


What if I let me grow a little more then when I put them in there bigger grow bags I bury them up to the arrows? That wouldn't adversely effect them would it?


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I wouldn't do that. The roots have already established, and you may end up killing it or somehting. Maybe try a bigger pot.


I don't see how that would be bad. I am not doing anything other then transplanting into a new pot really, not touching the roots just burying the stem a little and a few leafs. Is that really a bad idea?


Well-Known Member
bushy doesn't mean better. If your friend takes his clones similar to the way Al B takes his then they are ready to go into flowering just like they are. They are alternating nodes. Unless you want to clone them?? VV

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't do it. But I really wish you would and then tell us how it worked.

I think you need to put your light closer. If they were my plants, I would LST the hell out of them, and stick some (43) watt CFL's right down on those plants.

It is amazing what just bending a plant over will do for it. I have a plant right now, that has 2-3 branches with bigger cola's then the main stock. And I could not bend it over very far. I tried to do it to late because it was getting to tall. I will try and get a picture of this Amazon woman. She is almost as big around and she is tall. She is a little over 3'6" tall. And you can hardly see threw her. I think I am falling in love with my plant, is that bad? :roll:


Right on, I guess I always just thought bushy is better but yeah it doesn't have to be that way. Does that mean they will just become one cola type plants? I am so new to clones having only grown from seeds before...

I have the them right up pretty much touching the fluorescents at all times so I do not think they could even get closer to to the light. And I have done some work with LST in the past with my Hindu Kush check it out.