clone question


Active Member
I have started to make a clone i cut it and put it in water but how long should it stay in water before i apply the gel and plant in soil ? 1-2 days ? andthing to signify that it should be moved to soil ?


Well-Known Member
I cut my clone dip it in water then into rooting powder, I then put it in a small cup of my soil mix, be careful not to rub off the rooting solution. I cover my clone with a two liter bottle with the bottom cut off. It is very important to keep the humidity high. twice a day air out for 5 minutes and spray the leaves. After a week or so roots are poking out of the bottom of my mix. To answer your question put in in cloning gel as soon as you can just keep the humidity up!


Well-Known Member
Ive stopped misting my clones after the first 3 days,misting seems to slow root formation drastically.

My clone method with 100% sucess rate.

Use Take Root brand rooting hormone powder.

Use peat plugs.

Keep clones in an area that is warm,around 80 degrees,keep humidity levels above 50%.

Thouroughly soak peat plugs with ph'ed water until they expand to look like barrels, then poke a hole with a pencil 3/4 of the way to the bottom,then take a cutting from the plant,recut the cutting with water running over the area your cutting,this stops any air from getting in the cut,scrape away some of the outer part of the stem near the cut until you see the inner white part,dip the wet cut stem in rooting hormone then carefully insert into the pre punched hole in the peat plug,squeeze the peat plug firmly to ensure 100% contact with the soil.

Mist foliage 3 times a day for 3 days then just make sure the peat plugs remain moist,not wet only moist,within 7 days there should be roots sticking out everywhere from the peat plugs.