Clone Roots; to caress or not to caress...that is the question


Well-Known Member
Cool, I'm not quite sure how to accept friend requests and all that but I will def be following your grow! keep in touch

Mr. Good

Active Member
Cool, I'm not quite sure how to accept friend requests and all that but I will def be following your grow! keep in touch
To answer someones question on how I got them rooted in a basket...

No different than sticking them in a cloner....its a big cloner....I got a big fat cloner!:roll::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about instead of putting the clones in a rapid rooter, what if I just put the stem of the cutting down barely sticking out of the basket then put the rocks all around it to keep it in place... the rocks would act just as the neo collar would and the stem would be hit with sprinkles of water just like the ez-cloner does... sound better than the rapid rooters?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about instead of putting the clones in a rapid rooter, what if I just put the stem of the cutting down barely sticking out of the basket then put the rocks all around it to keep it in place... the rocks would act just as the neo collar would and the stem would be hit with sprinkles of water just like the ez-cloner does... sound better than the rapid rooters?
Possibly yes, b/c rapid rooters (although advertised as a clone rooting medium for soil AND hydrponics), get dirt in water too easily. So if you decide to not use rapid rooters, I would make sure that the stem of the clone is touching the bottom of the net cup and submerged under 1/2" of water; and hydroton stone should be filled around it.
I have an 8 site DaZy cloner, and i obtained roots hanging free in their net cups. I've only cloned once so far, so i'm no expert, but here was the results: (This was with no hydroton or rooting medium other than 2" net cup)

I don't know if the bubble splashes will be sufficient for rooting, but it sounds good. When nothing was in the net cups and the pump is on, I was getting splashed like nobody's business, so it's possible it'll work great.

I have no 3" neoprene for my 3" net cups though, Do you know if they are sold at wal-mart or target or something? I got some with my 2" DaZy Cloner net cups, but none 3".


Well-Known Member
You can def buy the 3" collars online somewhere I have seen them made for the aeroflo and others like it. I forgot where I saw it though.

In the e-z cloner and prob your day-z doesn't the water just spray around the stem? The stem is not submerged under 1/2" of water in those "cloning" devises.... or are they? If they are not which I always thought then I think the splashing from the aeroflo is quite similar to the smaller cloning machines and would work.


Well-Known Member
You can def buy the 3" collars online somewhere I have seen them made for the aeroflo and others like it. I forgot where I saw it though.

In the e-z cloner and prob your day-z doesn't the water just spray around the stem? The stem is not submerged under 1/2" of water in those "cloning" devises.... or are they? If they are not which I always thought then I think the splashing from the aeroflo is quite similar to the smaller cloning machines and would work.
Yeah, my Dazy cloner has a sprayer attached to a high pressure pump and the sprayer head spins like 1000 mph like seriously 20 timesper second, and it drenches everything in its line of site. But no, the stems were not submerged in my daisy cloner; it just ran off the stem. I have not lowered my water level in my Aero fo growing chambers to know if the sprayers make enough water particules airborne.

I got fear of rapid rooters getting too wet in my net cups and took them out for a bit; they are drying now lol.

Here's a link to my new thread.

Mr. Good

Active Member
You can def buy the 3" collars online somewhere I have seen them made for the aeroflo and others like it. I forgot where I saw it though.

In the e-z cloner and prob your day-z doesn't the water just spray around the stem? The stem is not submerged under 1/2" of water in those "cloning" devises.... or are they? If they are not which I always thought then I think the splashing from the aeroflo is quite similar to the smaller cloning machines and would work.

It is the same except...I rooted my clones in my Aeroflo with the water temps at 66degrees consistently...I got a chiller.

They rooted well in 2 weeks and in 3 they were new plants...already established AND already competing to stay the same height with previously rooted clones next to them.

The interesting part is that my clones rooted at such low temps now that I think of it...:confused:...hmmm


Well-Known Member
It is the same except...I rooted my clones in my Aeroflo with the water temps at 66degrees consistently...I got a chiller.

They rooted well in 2 weeks and in 3 they were new plants...already established AND already competing to stay the same height with previously rooted clones next to them.

The interesting part is that my clones rooted at such low temps now that I think of it...:confused:...hmmm
66F damn that's cold... I have a chiller as well but I'm just going to turn it off while trying to clone... why didn't you do the same? Doesn't matter I guess cuz it worked haha...what hp is your chiller? Mine is 1/10hp and with lights on it can't cool down the water that well. It stays 72-78 with lights on. Not as good as I wanted but it's better than my old temps of 85-90F.

So you cloned like I said to? No rapid rooters just the stem and some rocks eh?


Well-Known Member
I gots my roots on 35/36 of the clonesn in my method two weeks later; they have been stressed to hell & back, and they really still aren't showing great progress but it's possible to get them rooted. I recommend spending the 50 - 70$ on the supplies for a DIY cloner. Buy some rooting hormone & rooting solution, and buy some mother plant formula, and get roots in 3 or 4 days.



Well-Known Member
Hey glad to see that at least you got some roots out of 35/36... Why were they stressed so much? I'm going to try the no rapid rooter option in a couple months, if that doesn't work then I will spring for the cloner.


Well-Known Member
Hey glad to see that at least you got some roots out of 35/36... Why were they stressed so much? I'm going to try the no rapid rooter option in a couple months, if that doesn't work then I will spring for the cloner.

Well i've been having some issues with temperature, the AC Unit blows balls, so i ordered a new one, and temps have fluctuated 68-90 degrees a lot. I waited almost 2 weeks for the water change, should be done every week, they are under a 600W HPS. Most clones would do better under a metal halide or fluroscents. I'm taking my cloning seriously since I want a perpetual setup, so i'm going to make a DIY Cloner; This is the best one i've been able to find on this website and it's stylish and has enough sites. I'm investing in some Clonex Gel, Clonex Hydro Rooting Solution and a 200W CFL. I want to slap everyone that claims to get roots in 3 days. It's been almost two weeks, and some still don't show signs of roots coming out of the rapid rooters. The one clone that died had some mold looking shit down where I would expect some roots to be growing in the rapid rooter. It was white/black. I added some peroxide to my solution to prevent algae b/c my res was smelling like an aquarium during my res change.


the name is joe and i have been reading your posts with intrest, i am on the verge of buying an aeroflo 28, but have concerns on if it would be big enough to bring 28 plants to full maturity, or would it be better to grow 14 plants in the 28 plant system, have you any opinions?
regards joe


Well-Known Member
The AeroFlo is not for plants for full maturity. It's meant to grow smaller plants, but growers on this forum commonly use them for SOG (Sea of Green) applications. Clones taken from mature mothers are already at sexual maturity, therefore as soon as they root, they are capable of 12/12 lights which the plant flowers on. You should probably only consider using any of the AeroFlo models for SOG purposes, supposedly it's higher yield.


Well-Known Member
I just wanted to update my technique for "rooting" my cutling clones. This was a horrible method, it's a month later and they are still not rooted completely; i left the grow chamber level too high for too long thinking that it was needed because most clones didn't have any roots and I was trying to keep the rapid rooters wet, but the better/bigger rooted clones got root rot from. It sucks, but we learn from our mistakes, but dont' root clones with the water level high, and if you do, be very careful to lower them as soon as you see roots coming out of the rapid rooter.