Clone showed roots, yeah, but not so good now


Active Member

I have 6 clones that are 10 days old. In a humidity dome on a 80 degree mat under 6500k floros x 2.

The clones all look great and I got one yesterday that showed 4-5 good roots. I took her and put her in a small pot of coco (which I will flower in). I also put her under the same floros plus 2 26watt 6500k cfls. I fed her with 1/4 strength GH series and cal/mag. This morning, half of the plant is dried right up and the half half still looks o.k.

Did I burn her with the nutrients?

To much light, too fast?

Change in Humidity from 90% to 50% do it?

I also had 6 seeds from old schwag that germinated, 2 poped throught the plugs and not they have hardly grown in 12 days. Any thoughts on them?



tip top toker

Well-Known Member
To start with, no no no on nutrients, absolutely no need. They can go for weeks and weeks before you nee to think about adding nutes to them.

I have experienced woe from moviong a clone from a propogator out into the open, from my deductions it stands to reason that it was the sudden change in temperature and humidity. Reason for thinking this is that your leaves appear to be curling all up at the ends, which mine also did, any of the leaves that curled dried right up and died off within a day or so, putting it abck in the propogator stopped it before it totally killed everything off.


Well-Known Member
I've had that happen too. i think its the humidity. if i catch them quick enough when it happens i put a sandwich bag over them and they usually come back


Active Member
So no nutrients, got it. I fed because some of the leaves started to show some yellow so I figured they were hungry.

Should I put the pot the clone was put in into the humidity dome for a few days before taking out of dome to help acclimate?

What is the best way to move the rooted clone into the coco to start to veg?

2 more clones showed roots today so I need to figure out how to move them next.


Active Member
I showed a guy at a local hydro store the pics of the clone. He dosn't think the nutes, change in lighting or change in humidity caused it that quickly. He suspects the coco I put the cutting in was toxic. Does this make sense? the coco has been in the pot for about 4 weeks. I rinsed it well when got it and have ran pH'd water through it every couple of days.


Well-Known Member
if you rinsed it well enough there should be no salt in the coco, which is what most people get trouble from. what brand is the coco?

you could always put the whole thing in the dome if it fits, if its the soil the plants pretty much gone either way so might as well hope its the humidity.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
A good pump-up water sprayer is great for gardening! I mix my ferts for my rooted clones at 1/6 of what said ferts recommends per gallon of water for dirt. I also spray them with it as well.

Active Member
As my with my clones I kept them all in propegator and lifted one end of the lid an inch every other day till bout 5 inches then removed completely all fine just mist them regually


Active Member
Today i cut the dead growth off the clone gone bad, the other piece still looks okay.

I took another rooted clone, 11 nice white roots popping out the sides, put in come botanicle root enhancer (forgot the name) and transplanted into the coco. I rinsed it first, watered with 5.8 pHd water and then put under the 2 floros and 2 cfls. I also transplanted the 2 small seedlings the same way. 4 hours later and so far they look okay.

My other clones that havn't rooted yet, are starting to show some yellowing in the leaves. I'm guessing they are needing nutes but don't have the roots yet to get them.


Active Member
I just checked on them, 5 hours later and:

the clone from yesterday still looks like it did this morning; i trimmed off the bad stuff (75% of plant) but the remaining plant looks Okay.

the rooted cutting i took today that had 11 roots and transplanted into the coco is drooping pretty good. I misted it again and I have to keep my fingers crossed. If I lose this one too then something is seriously wrong with either the coco, the lights or something else.

Here are some pics of the clone I transplanted today that is drooping.

the first pic is of a nirvana cutting that hasn't rooted yet (13 days), it is startign with some pretty good yellowing in the top leaves, any ideas what it needs?



Active Member
She looks much better today. I decided to ditch the clay pots and get plastic pots since they drain better. transplanted them now am hoping that won't stress them out too much again. When I changed pots, both clones developed some pretty decent roots in less than 24 hours so at least there fighting.