Clone to clone to clone


Well-Known Member
does this cola look like its lost its mojo? since ive acquired this strain, ive been cloning it for 28 weeks now. this plant had 6 huge colas when I chopped her down last night. this is my 4-5oz per plant strain I run.

strawberry cream cola 8-17 harvest.jpg


Well-Known Member
28 weeks? Are you being serious?
Or did you mean you've taken clones off a mom and flowered 28 harvests
It sounded like you meant the plant was 28 weeks old or been taking clones since 28 weeks ago.. which I mean is laughable obviously if that's your argument that clones don't change.
Anyway nice plant


Well-Known Member
28 weeks? Are you being serious?
Or did you mean you've taken clones off a mom and flowered 28 harvests
It sounded like you meant the plant was 28 weeks old or been taking clones since 28 weeks ago.. which I mean is laughable obviously if that's your argument that clones don't change.
Anyway nice plant
o dear ??


Well-Known Member
The longer a plant lives for, the more of a chance to pick up a virus, or pathogen. So, treat your momma material well.


Well-Known Member
Is it legal for you to grow bro? i doubt it u dirty stoner. i came to this site to vent about stoners because i hate them
LMFAO!!! Go back to fairy world twinkle toes. Dirty stoners hahahahaaaa. I came to vent because I hate you!!! Hahahaa. What a loser. I feel sorry for your mother jejejejeee!!!!


Well-Known Member
type qwizo, I meant ive been cloning this strain for 2 years.

clone of a clone of a clone of a clone, ect. no mothers here
Yes, it is okay to clone a clone from a clone, it WILL NOT lose it's potency...I've said it a million times to new ppl...wait what were we talkin about :eyesmoke:...oh yeah, always carry a garbage bag in the car that wasn't it...oh yeah :-o do it and find out for yourself :clap:


Well-Known Member
I have never had a mother plant... takes too much space. My chem 91 cut is supposedly 23 years old, still going strong. Only thing I've read is that clones of clones of clones eventually lose vigor, which does make sense, the 1st generation of clones are less vigorous than the original from seed.

Thats why breeders often pop seeds and inbreed their strains to keep vigor going...


Well-Known Member
Dude real shit a clone is an exact replica duplicate of the mother. with that being said you should not lose any potency when you clone and clone and use that clone for a clone. However, remember this, a plant grown from seed (mother) will exhibit hybrid vigor superior to a clone. Does it affect potency? Probably not, but a plant from seed will grow faster, bigger and stronger than a plant from clone.


Well-Known Member
I keep anywhere from 8-15 different strains going at all times and have never had mother plants. Some of the strains I have had for years and got them from friends that had them for many more years before me. It doesn't matter if it's the first cutting or number one thousand its the same genetic plant. I believe the biggest problem is people will smoke the same strain a long time and build a tolerance to it.


Well-Known Member
I dont agree at all that a seed plant will grow faster,bigger and stronger than a clone, they are the same plant and will have the same growth pattern and flower time. This isn't " the six million dollar plant".