Clone Trouble??? Do these look normal?


Well-Known Member
I just took these cuttings last its been about 24 hrs. As you can see they're a bit floppy. Should I redo them? I've been misting them several times...which perked them up a bit, as they were pretty wilty when I woke up this morning. Tap water in the res. PH 5.8, and a tsp and 1/2 of hormex liquid rooting stuff. I cut them underwater and everything. I basically am just looking to hear they'll be alright. Thanks very much



They are fine they tend to droop a little when first cut. Give them some time 2-3 days to perk up make sure as they begin to firm up and take root you cut any dead or brown parts so they don't spread thoughtout the entire clone.
Im on my 3rd batch of clones from the same setup. I have had great success with it. I started mine in 1" rockwool cubes. I was worried about how I would plant the clones if I used the neoprene. Im not sure how you can put them into a rockwool cube with roots hanging loose? Are you going for soil? At anyrate they should be ready in 7-10 days either way.
Sweet...I was hoping they would be ok. I'll keep misting them..thanks for the replies. Puff, I'm putting them into hydroton for my ebb n flow. I don't expect any problems. I transplanted from hydroton to soil a week and a half ago. It was basically a bare root transplant, as most of the hydroton fell away. I just soaked them in some Thrive Alive green bottle and watered with the same water for a couple of days and they never even wilted.
That will work, I use 1" rockwool cubes and burry them in the hyrdoton. Maybe next time Ill skip the rockwool and just go right into the hydroton. I love my Daisy Cloner! Im sure your clones will be fine. Just keep doing what your doing.
Well, the clones at 5 o'clock and 9 o'clock are laying completely flat. Does this mean they will not make it. I'm wondering if I should put 2 new clones in to take their place.
That happened to one of my clones on the first try. It looked like mush at the stem. I had to recut it higher up and it barely pulled through.
I took almost 200 clones and none of them drooped and I didn't touch them for 3 days stright and the 200 clones I took was my very first cloning

alrighty then, now that we have that out of the way...

they look normal, they always wilt. just give em a few days of mist and most all will pop right back up.

I wish you were right...It looks like my fears are coming true. I just pulled 3 clones out of the cloner. Their stems turned to complete mush. I'm not sure if the others will make it or not. I can't believe cloning is giving me this much trouble. I've had more luck growing orchids(hard for me) than cloning!! I'm going to post some pics in a minute.

...And I don't get the first part of your message that 8 and a laugh? Why?
Well here are the pics. I'm going to cut 3 more to add back to the cloner...and probably take a bunch tomorrow and try the ole tray and dome thing again.





Try using 1" rockwool cubes. I think they allow for better cloning, the roots have so much more to grow into. This is a clone that is 7 days old. The roots are popping out of the top and the bottom.

Just becareful pulling the cubes out of the 2" net pot. I had a hard time finding 2" replacements. I cut the bottom out of mine thinking I would use the neoprene, but when I changed my mind I couldnt get a 2" net pot with the lip on it like the ones that came with the cloner. What I came up with was this. Just inset a regular 2" net pot into the old one with the bottom cut out.

It might also help if I posted a pic of the whole thing. Notice how none of the leaves even yellowed. Go big with your clones, I have no idea why the Grower's Bible says to take small cuttings? I have tried it both ways and hands down the bigger the clone the easier it is to clone, within reason of course.

It might also help if I posted a pic of the whole thing. Notice how none of the leaves even yellowed. Go big with your clones, I have no idea why the Grower's Bible says to take small cuttings? I have tried it both ways and hands down the bigger the clone the easier it is to clone, within reason of course.

awsoem clones, I have clones that get strong roots and the roots start to push the clone out of the soil
pull that light away for a few days what kind of light is that? i usually start all my clones under cfls. until they root then put under metal halide to veg
also a clear plastic rubbermaid container will help keep humidity up by placing over clones as a greenhouse i usualy get 100% success
pull that light away for a few days what kind of light is that? i usually start all my clones under cfls. until they root then put under metal halide to veg
also a clear plastic rubbermaid container will help keep humidity up by placing over clones as a greenhouse i usualy get 100% success

I just put them uder the light today. I lowered it 6" and put them under intead of to the side like they were. I see roots on 90% of them and the ones I cant see Im sure are there. This is the time to supercharge them and give em some real light. Now that there are roots no reason to keep em out of direct light. The light is a 125w CFL blue spectrum. I want them to stand up straight and that aint going to happen unless they are given a reason.
the 8===============D is a extra-large text penis, for the post prior to mine, it would make more sense if it didnt force a new page.

he offers no helpful advice, only

I took almost 200 clones and none of them drooped and I didn't touch them for 3 days stright and the 200 clones I took was my very first cloning

its the internet, my inference is that he must have a small penis in real life to have such a big one on the net.

I use rockwool to root. you look like you are learning fast enough, best of luck.