Clone Vs. Seed (Late crop)


Well-Known Member
Hey guys just need some advice from someone with experience on doing
late crops. I already have my best plants out, they have been out since March
and was 4 months old when I put them out, they preflowered for a while and
for the past couple months revegged and theyre monsters as of now. I've
been using a couple of those plants as mother plants for the clones.

My question is, if I were to do a small late crop, would a clone from a mother
of that age do better than a seed plant put out say around july 15. I'm
mainly talking about yield here. Either way i'm sure the yield will be smaller
but hey thats extra smoke. So pretty much my question is which would produce
a larger yield: A) a seedplant put out july 15th or B) a clone from a 7 month old
revegged mother put out july 15th? Thanks!
I would say yield wise the seed will out perform a clone. last year i did 8 clones and 4 seeds and the plants from seed were bigger, healthier, and bigger/frostier buds. the clones still do great! but there is a little difference in yield.


Active Member
I don't think thechosenone understood what you are asking.

I would say for a late start if you already have rooted clones. You could do bigger cuts as well and root those would be your best bet for getting decently sized plants this late. Planting a seed now will not give you a bigger plant by harvest than a good clone. Just takes too long for them to really get going and time is not really on your side.
Are the clones rooted and taking off?? Then grow the clones. Fuck starting seeds in july. If you are just about to take the cuts, then take them big and give them proper conditions so they will root quickly. Best chance to get any kind of harvest from a couple 'late bloomers'
There are lots of variables though.. Size? Age? I suppose whichever plant is bigger, will have the bigger yield. If they are all ready then just throw them all outside!


Well-Known Member
Clone taken from seed are the same plant just that Clones are Mature and all ready pre sexed, ready to be Flowered. To help with your questing depends how big of a clone you cut and if its rooted then yeah i would use clone, but try both out do a side by side grow and see what you get.