clone ?


Well-Known Member
i am havin trouble getting some of my super lemon haze clones to root. does anybody have and techniques or secrets thats will help me.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Have you checked the FAQs there is a couple interesting techniques. What have you been doing it's hard to give advice without knowing, ya know?


Well-Known Member
Ahhh, you're cloning in soil. When I was using soil, I used a big strainer(like the ones you use to strain noodles) to strain out the chunky stuff before i used it, and it worked alot better. The chunks will cause problems because they can create air gaps around the bottom of the cutting, making for poor stem contact. Stem contact is critical when cloning. :)


Did you use a rooting hormone? If not, that could be you trouble. Dip the end you cut in water, then in the rooting hormone, then into the soil.


Well-Known Member
ok ive got a rooting hormone and my clones still wont root. can anybody tell me there succesful method for cloning or post a link please.


Well-Known Member

Cloning in soil is far more difficult than using rockwool or Rapid Rooters in my opinion. What you need is good air/water ratio for your cutting, and these media provide this. Just make your cutting, scrape the bottom tip of the cutting a little bit with your CLEAN razor blade, dip it in your rooting hormone, and stick it into your medium.

Keep your clones nice and moist at all times for the first week..
Keep your clones under some (not maximal, since it is not required) light..
Keep things AS STERILE AS POSSIBLE (this determines success to a great extent)
and finally, BE PATIENT. Don't pull your cutting out to see if it rooted etc.. Just leave it alone and it will root when it will.



Well-Known Member
Did you use a rooting hormone? If not, that could be you trouble. Dip the end you cut in water, then in the rooting hormone, then into the soil.
I root my clones in plain water. I've tried every rooting hormone I could get my hands on except clonex, none of them work as well as plain water.

I rarely loose a cutting, and I use nothing but a cup of water changed daily.


Well-Known Member
Cloning in a medium other than water would prevent stress on young, delicate roots while transplanting. I have 100% clone success rates with Rapid Rooter, but I guess everyone would have their own opinions.



Active Member
I found it impossible to clone, so I made a bubbler with an airstone and have enough space for 9 clones at a time. I have 100% success rate - I have cloned 9 which have been vegged for 3 weeks now and have another 9 ready to go into pots tomorrow.

I would strongly suggest making a bubbler.


Well-Known Member
Cloning in a medium other than water would prevent stress on young, delicate roots while transplanting. I have 100% clone success rates with Rapid Rooter, but I guess everyone would have their own opinions.

Good point. My clones go to flower in DWC, so starting in a cup of water isn't much of a transplant for my girls. :-P


Well-Known Member
thx alot for all of ur input i think i got it now. for my next set of clones im gonna pit a couple in water and im about to google rapidrooter and bubbler.
maybe a stupid question but for my clones that arent rooting can i clip again and start over? +rep for everyone.


Well-Known Member
Stick it in cloning hormone and shove it in a moist rockwool cube under a fluorescent fixture. Rooting without hormones has about a 1 in 8 chance of success generally. If you don't want to use rockwool, I'd just use peat, rather than soil. Holds in more evenly distributed moisture and allows for quick and even root growth.

Rockwool is the least likely to fail, however.


Well-Known Member
ok i google bubbler and im goin to make 1 today. now do i still use hormones with the bubbler


Well-Known Member
Bubbler is a great idea. I've had good success with 'em before. I only use a cup of water because I adjust daily already and I appreciate the simplicity.

Rooting without hormones has about a 1 in 8 chance of success generally.
I said it before, but I'll say it again, I don't use hormones anymore and I very rarely lose a cutting. I know other growers who don't use hormones either.

Honestly, I don't think rooting hormones are necessary at all for marijuana. In fact, it's been my observation a lot of 'em (particularly the powders) will actually slow the rooting process.

That being said, I do hear good things about clonex. But I've never used it, too expensive compared to my magic tap water. :bigjoint: