clone ?


Well-Known Member
what about my clones that have been going a couple weeks should i just throw them out or can i clip them again and put in the bubbler. i already made it


Well-Known Member
what about my clones that have been going a couple weeks should i just throw them out or can i clip them again and put in the bubbler. i already made it
As long as the tissues don't look distressed and the clones still look like they've been freshly cut, leave 'em alone. They're just fine. Sativa dominant strains can take a long time to root. Give 'em another week or so. Stick 'em in your bubbler, gently. ;-)

Are these SLH cuttings from the tops? If so, side branches root faster; if you want more clones, it may be worth taking fresh cuttings now if you like, they may pop roots at the same time as the tops.