Cloner Question


Well-Known Member
I just got a cloning machine, sprays from the bottom, no dome...

Do I need to use a dome or some anti transpirant spray, or do I just leave them alone?


Active Member
You can if you want. Personally I never used a dome or sprayed them at all and they rooted fine.

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
Domes are good for low humidity. I find that they are good for cloning at least for me. Speeds up my rooting too.
I have a ez clone but the sub pump warms the water. No bueno for rooting cuts. Had to use frozen water bottles to keep the water cool. So keep the water cool and acidic find yer sweet spot between 5.5-6.5 ph.


Well-Known Member
You don't really need a dome with a cloner.. Personally I give a nice foliar spray once at time of cut.

Chronic brought up good point tho. Sometimes these things get hot.. I use a interval timer and run it one minute on then five off.
have fun cloning..


Well-Known Member
Why did they lie down to begin with? Lol
Did you spray or no spray?
I have had some lay down on me when I didn't spray and lots of times they will come back up. It is also possible to overspray them have the same thing happen. A fine mist is all it takes.


Well-Known Member
that's funny. i have three cloners and the pumps run normally, no heat. the water stays nice and cool which is important. no dome, no rooting solution either and indirect light.

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
I haven't used my ez clone in a minute. I've been using a bubble cloner I made. After I take my cuts I leave em in the dark for about 12 hours. Then I flip the light on them. I also try and take them right before the light turns on. Everyone gots a way of doing things. Just have to find the one that works best for ya.


Well-Known Member
Yeppers. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't doing it wrong, or missing an important step. I've cloned quite a bit before, but not with much success, just enough to get enough, ya know?. I had been using the old flat/dome method, about 30-50% success. I have this Sugar Black Rose and a Tutankhuman that I wanted to clone, but they didn't like my old method. The Black Rose reviews I have heard, and that I'm building a new room, made me willing to spend the money on a cloning machine. I could make one, but I'm too busy right now.


Well-Known Member
a dome in hydro will slow the rooting process down. no need to spray them unless your doing rock cubes or soil. then you need a dome and misting. also you don't need a huge light bulb at all . suggest a small 35 watt bulb any color temp . I have a 2700k bulb yes wrong color temp but they don't care they root very well. most important thing you can do in cloneing hydro keep the water under 75. if it gets hotter you will get fungi and rotted stems and roots.