Clones and Momma Bear in same Veg?


Active Member
Anybody ever done this? I dont have enough room to make a veg room and a flowering room so I was having a think...

Keep in mind this is my first INDOOR grow..
Do you guys think it is a good idea to grow 1 plant (which was my original idea) and then take a couple clones from her after say I dunno...3-4 weeks veg...Then take those 2 clones and veg them with the momma. That way I can have my big girl and 2 smaller ones just so I can have a play around with small/big plants...Know what im sayin, as im new and want the skills before the yields! My space is a storage room in my garage which is about 1mx3m...I have a 600w MH + 600w HPS...

What you guys think? Im waiting on a 5 pack of NL's so im thinking I wouldnt have to pop 3 seeds but only 1(if they germ lol :-P). I want to experiment with larger plants and smaller plants as well as some different techniques I have seen...


Well-Known Member
Sure, it's a totally reasonable approach. No reason not to if you have a second chamber for mothers and it has extra space for more.

The only catch is, there is a reason to sprout more than one seed at a time... basically what you want to do is sprout multiple seeds, and choose a pheno from the resulting options. Each plant will be a little different when sprouted from seed. You could just pick the most vigorous grower and make that a mother, that is an option, and would be a little easier... but the better way to handle it would be to start as many as you will have room to flower at once, take clones from all of them before flowering, then flower... after you see which produces the most potent/tasty smoke, you then save the corresponding clone as a mother.


Active Member
Yeh I have seen that talked about alot of times here on RIU...Picking a pheno!
I only have one space for veg and flower...Not seperate so I couldnt keep clones vegging while keeping the mothers flowering...