Clones are bronzing, new thing cant figure it out


Active Member
Hi there all and I appreciate any help on this one.

I've been succesfully growing for awhile and the one area that I can't seem to get down in cloning.

I finally thought I did though and now I have a new development.

Where the leaves are from the center they start to bronze, a light browning starts to go all over the new leaves and eventually dies.

I can't figure out why it's doing this. I've cleaned the trays with bleach and soapy water, switched mediums from Peat Pellets to Rockwool cubes, never resued and sit them in a nice dome. I can't figure this out, any help???



Active Member
1) When I first started out, I bought a CFL (Can't remember Kelvins) - but it was basically a work light. I saw similar "bronzing" and eventual death you did.
a) What type of light are you using?
2) How often are you watering?
a) What are you feeding them?
3) What type of hormone powder/gel are you using?
4) Are they under a humidity dome?

Answer these questions, and we will see if we can figure it out.


Active Member
Well for the cloning stage I'm not using any light. They are under a dome. I don't water them at all just have the cubes damp enough to not require anymore. No feeding there is no roots. And I use Stim Root poweder.

I hope we can figure this out, one theroy I heard was that the mother plant may have to much nutrient in it and the plants leach them out into the cubes when they are placed in.

1) When I first started out, I bought a CFL (Can't remember Kelvins) - but it was basically a work light. I saw similar "bronzing" and eventual death you did.
a) What type of light are you using?
2) How often are you watering?
a) What are you feeding them?
3) What type of hormone powder/gel are you using?
4) Are they under a humidity dome?

Answer these questions, and we will see if we can figure it out.


Active Member
Ok - here is my advice: Start a whole new set of clones, and make these adjustments:

1) You definately need to put these under a light. Right after I clone I put them under 1 daylight CFL T5 tube I have.
2) before first cut - Soak Your Cubes in PH'd down water. After that - Dip them half way in PH'd water just before the cubes are semi dry (never let them get dry).
3) Lift the humidity dome up only once a day.

I think your major problem is light, and possibly water. You have to get that photosynthesis going... Even though your goal is roots right now,
your plants must create the energy to produce those roots - and that comes from lights. If you are using high intensity lights, and don't have
any CFLs, put the clones on the very edge of your room to start where there is least amount of light (still light though), and make sure the temp
isn't too high.

I would invest in a small 1 tube T5 light - it will really help your clone game. Hope this helps (GET THEM UNDER LIGHT!)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'll agree with Dota. Get them under light. I have mine under Daylight T8's but light is the most important thing here for you. I like to mist the clones the first week under the dome and keep them on a heat pad. As for only opening the dome once a day, that depends on a few things but if you have good humidity under your dome and it’s on a heat mat, I only mist it once a day. When I clone off a heat mat, I open it a few more times a day and mist it more often as the humidity isn't as good without a little heat under the tray. Just mist the plant and the dome the first week and just mist the dome the second week and let the roots start stretching to search for water. The water you use should have no nutrients and I've found that distilled water works the best. Soak your cubes in the distilled water for a day and shake off the excess water before putting your cuttings in them. On my last set of clones, I added a 3 drops of Super Thrive (which I heard is really good) to a gallon of distilled water, not sure if that helped or not but it sure didn't hurt them. They took about the same time to develop healthy roots (2 weeks) but there might have been more roots out of each cube but I’m not sure. I will have to try it again to be sure.


Active Member
Thanks I'll give the lighting thing a try, I didn't think they needed light just time to devlop roots and thought the light would give undo stress. I"ll give it a try, I need to hold onto this strain it's very sought after.

Thanks :)