Clones aren't rooting but look healthy??


Well-Known Member
Okay so probably 3 weeks ago I cloned my main girl. To date one has roots and is now potted. WTF is up with these others. They look alive still....yet no roots.
And here I have prepped and purchased some fans for the winter gig. Not that I know what I am doing. However when I get something in my head a go full tilt!! Shit. Day too. Here are the fans I bought. I thought they were a good deal for 2 @ $45. Our. A good note came across some t5 fizutres for free with bulbs! Good for my salt water set up and we'll other stuff



Active Member
My buddy is always bringing me babies in peat pellets. Your media looks similar. I noticed that the peat holds water nicely and will eventually make some great starts. But it takes a little more time. I would expect in a week or so they will be popping. You may be a little wet, but it is hard to tell. If your soil is too wet it will not encourage the plant to seek water, slowing new root growth. About the only thing you can really do. Airflow will certainly help if you are lacking. Don't over do it though, you want to maintain some humidity. The fact they are still green and not all withered and ugly is a good sign. More time. My Blue Moonshine takes a while to start. Some of it may be in your genetics too, might just be slow starters.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Go Dirt. I didn't think they were failing. But could figure out why it's taken so long. Should I leave the dome off or on at this point.

dr grinsp00n

New Member
leave the dome on with the air twisters on top partially open. spritz with water mist inside dome once a day. those don't need a fan yet. did you use rooting gel? also they could use more light get 2 or 3 more 3 dollar high kelvin cfl lights and you'll do fine.

dr grinsp00n

New Member
also while i think those will do fine; but you should try to make cutting that are slightly longer and have a little more stem to them if possible next time for best results

dr grinsp00n

New Member
also to speed up the growth on those go buy a 6 dollar seedling heat mat from your local hydroponic store and put it under that dome set up


Well-Known Member
Okay great. I had them under a 48" t5. I did use rooting hormone. Now they are sitting on my counter. Back under the light they go. We're a bit wet I think. Long cuts sounds good. Also have cfls.

dr grinsp00n

New Member
good best of luck young grass hopper. P.S the downright best dirt for growing top quality is tga soil mixed 50/50 with tga super soil.
seriously though the 6 dollar seedling heat mat should be the first priority for those


Active Member
I think a heating pad might get a little warm. I would spritz them a bit when they need it and let the little peat ball soak in a little moisture. It is very easy to over wet them which can lead to slow rooting. I haven't used a dome in a long time. Probably best to follow through the way you started though. The last ones my buddy gave me actually had green moss growing on the peat. I put them in my open air system and they rooted within a week, of course they had a pretty good head start. They will spit out the roots when they are ready, as long as your green stays green they will catch on eventually. Dr Grinsp00n's advice is dead on. Try to keep it simple. If they decide to lay over on you...then get sad. I am cloning today. I will put up some photo's later of the method I use. It works great and eliminates a bunch of transplanting.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Dude i cloned my girls with old ass clonex cut the clones with a rusty knife and a week into cloning found an anphid population living on all the new bitches in my tray mutherfuckers still grew mad roots.