Clones aren't rooting?


Well-Known Member
I cut and stuck some clones in a DIY bubbler i made, small box, opaque, air pump, and air stone in the middle. They been in there for 10 days I think? On 18/6 with a flourescent light. They all look good, just no roots.. Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
IME, 10 days not unusual

Keep water temps in line,
try a root stimulator,
check water pH



Well-Known Member
Hm alright, i had thought about adding some root stimulator or even aloe. What should water temps be? I have them in the basement so probably 68-70f?


Well-Known Member
Hm alright, i had thought about adding some root stimulator or even aloe. What should water temps be? I have them in the basement so probably 68-70f?
That might be a little low for new root development

Never tried aloe


Well-Known Member
20c to 24c normally works for rooting up, you can push that a bit more but then you get rot issues

when taking the cutting do the cut under water or put the cutting into water (with some root stimulator if possible) asap air getting into the stem stops cuttings developing

then use root gel or what ever put them into rockwall or right into your cloner

some people leave clones in the dark for 1 to 10 days before putting them under the lights the idea is that lets the plant focus on rooting, I just cut the fan leaves shot and leave a dome over them

sometimes 10/10 take sometimes less if they all die then I assume they got too wet or too hot or dirty scissors when taking the clones, they don`t always take but some strains do clone mega easy and others seem to refuse to

But the fastest clones I ever got was from using ph`d water and an HF electronic fogger, roots seem to grow in days, a little rooting stimulator would make them do better but a good rooting gel seems to help

Actually tempted to set up an aero cloner again now, save my rockwall for starting seeds in, lol


Well-Known Member
I used a razor sharp knife when i cut them from the plant, then used the blade to cut away some of the shaft and they immediately went into a cup of water. Then into the foam plugs i made from some stuff lying around.

That's pretty neat, so you used an ultrasonic fogger in the water to basically shroud the roots in fog?


Well-Known Member
I cut and stuck some clones in a DIY bubbler i made, small box, opaque, air pump, and air stone in the middle. They been in there for 10 days I think? On 18/6 with a flourescent light. They all look good, just no roots.. Any ideas?
got pix ?


Well-Known Member
A new trick I got to start seeds is Water Beads. They come in ~ 400gm bag from Amazon. Upon opening, I didn't expect it to do what is said about them. They are about the size of coarse salt. Add water and wait about 30 minutes and they swell to ~ half inch. I tried it on some fresh cut cilantro. works great, so should be awesome on clones


Well-Known Member
WTG. After this last month's cloning I have been 100% for my last 100 or so clones. I do like things a little warmer than you had things and I do it in peat but I am always of the mind that if they are still green they are gonna fly if patient. This go-around I also just dropped a couple in water and it took longer and I changed the water a couple times...but they alway looked alive so I just kept hoping and then pop!!