clones clones clones

thanx mann/ u seem to know rather than spit out some random sry 4 all the simple ?;s jus tryin the best way to go. as far as how long to veg. how much to nute. and topping,ect.. there are thousands of ppl tellin u thousands of things on the web


Well-Known Member
if you need a dome, i've heard of people using the plastic cake containers with the clear led. So i walked into my local grocery story went to the bakers counter and told the i made a cake for my wifes b-day and want to buy 1 of those cake containers for cheap, the lady just gave 1 to me and it works great.
i feed every watering witch is every 4 to 5 days..i veg for 60 days or tell they get 3 ft tall.. but i grow in a spare bedroom so i have the room and hight for monsters..
sweeet. i think half of my clones are gonna pull thru..viola! got the cake tops today and i had 5 standin up lookin mistin em till now.. thanx for all the input on this thread//whadda u think of my budz



Well-Known Member
Looks tasty, just took some clones of my wonder woman hope they take, soaked them in a cup of water for 2 days, scraped a little skin off one side dipped them in root hormn and into the rockwol.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
sweeet. i think half of my clones are gonna pull thru..viola! got the cake tops today and i had 5 standin up lookin mistin em till now.. thanx for all the input on this thread//whadda u think of my budz
mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmm looks goo. glad i can help.
Looks tasty, just took some clones of my wonder woman hope they take, soaked them in a cup of water for 2 days, scraped a little skin off one side dipped them in root hormn and into the rockwol.
being my first harvest i got 3oz after 5 dayz drying... without tops, they r still hangin. i am wandering exactly how dry the buds should feel b4 i cut them from the branches and begin curing..these were pretty dry.. my tops feel a little moist in the center and was wandering if this is the time or let it dry and did i overdry the smaller ones if they feel dry throughout? also, wtf do i do with all the tops as far as cutting and curing. cut them into small pieces or get a bigger jar


Well-Known Member
I over dried some once, I took a 2 gal. size ziplock bag spread all the buds out, left a little room by the zip and put a folded up damp paper towel in it. Zipped it 3/4 of the way shut and blew some air into it and closed it completely. Remember to keep the zipplock bag flat. On the main colas have you tried to snap the stem? When or if you tried did it snap or just bend (listen to the sound it makes) you dont want it to completely brake off, just listen for a snap. How long have they been hanging? When they are ready for the jar I would say its up to you, I cut some up others I left big, just to say "dam look at that big mother fucker".
I over dried some once, I took a 2 gal. size ziplock bag spread all the buds out, left a little room by the zip and put a folded up damp paper towel in it. Zipped it 3/4 of the way shut and blew some air into it and closed it completely. Remember to keep the zipplock bag flat. On the main colas have you tried to snap the stem? When or if you tried did it snap or just bend (listen to the sound it makes) you dont want it to completely brake off, just listen for a snap. How long have they been hanging? When they are ready for the jar I would say its up to you, I cut some up others I left big, just to say "dam look at that big mother fucker".
drying 5 dayz, pretty dry but its my first harvest so im not sure how dry they should be. im judging based on the chronic i been smkn the last 10yrs. the branches did not break but did snap.what is a main cola? the base of the stem?
so u basically made a humidity bag to re-moisten them..and placed the paper towel right inside the bag not touching budz? should they be a lil damp in the dense middle or dry throughout< when i put them into jars??


Well-Known Member
i took 5 clones from lower branches sat night, by this sat I hope to have roots. they were a week into flowering


Well-Known Member
the main cola is the bud on the main steam of the plant at the very top, typically you hang the big boys for 7 days to dry, however depending on the condition it can take more or less time. If you put them into jars slightly damp keep a very close on them, remember to take the lid off a couple of times a day to let the buds breath.

Yes it was a humidity bad worked great and no the paper towel should not touch the buds.


Active Member
Hey Dudes, forgive me, but after reading 3 pages of this I'd find it highly UNLIKELY that anything you try will FAIL. LOL dudes but really poor. The blind leading the blind.
Where you take the clone from and how big the stem of the clone is very important. Buy a freaking dome for Christ's sake, where do you live in a cave? 5mm clones are the best size of stems, the upper 1/3 is the choice location. Cloning when in flowering is so what? It's very difficult to root, then reverse much time is lost for what? You too slow to do it on time?
And any nuts while attempting to root will slow it way down or stop the roots from even forming. You're trying to grow roots not keep a plant alive. Pure water is all they get, keeping the grow medium DAMP so the roots have to go looking for water. Once you see the tips of roots showing through, transplant then into 4 inch containers, THEN START TO FEED THEM! I'll bet a hundred dollars to your one that you got yellow leaves and root rot from following the advise offered here. You might consider buying a for 159.00$ It clones 52 cuttings in 6 days and has a 99% strike rate. Check it out on the web. Rockwool sucks because of the ph. GREMS are factor as everything you use to clone has to be pristine , , , EVERYTHING.
Don't jump on me now, and don't say you've made it work "your way", , even a blind goat finds a turnip once in awhile. Keep learning by reading and the rollitup offerings on the subject. "A batch of clones in rockwool" is a good place to begin. Great pic, and a tutorial to go with it.
AMEN BROHAM!! taking clones is a doddle and i dont know WTF people are doing to fail at it, i took 1000 at once a couple months ago and they ALL rooted.

And why, oh WHY wouldnt you want to take clones in the veg stage to give your future cuttings the consistency and 'unstressed' life which they need,

This is to those who think its best to take clones in flower:

A. You are lazy! take them in veg and use your BRAIN to find a space for them, cuttings taken in veg mean they have a full 10 weeks to root and get massive before they are put in the main grow room.

B. You are not saving time, you are just messing your plants up, why take cuttings which are in the wrong stage, it takes months for them to properly revert, and even then the DNA has been retarded (even if its only slightly)

The more i visit this site the more i feel a percentage of you dont have a CLUE what you are talking about.

No offence to those who do, as they obviously are some.

You are right, it IS the blind leading the blind,