Clones from 3 week Orange Crush


Active Member
Hi ,

I have 40 Orange Crush at 2 and 1/2 weeks 18 / 6 vegetative growth. If I took a cutting from each now how long before those precious branches grow back to the original size, right now the cuttings would be 3 inches long. Any info is appreciated



Active Member
What clones should look like. Fuck buying them. Use a salad spinner, I learned that from Al B. Fuct. I used the one inch rockwools, put a dome over them set the heat mat to 80 and I will not touch for three days, then a little air gradually and a fan.On day 8 I will take the domes off and not even touch them until day 15 then just move to pots with coco coir that is really lightly wet, not even watered coco and perlite but damp.

