No magic, lol. Just a basic 1,2,3 like everyone else. I try to prep the moms a day or two before I take cuttings with a foliar of aloe and/or kelp.
I presoak the rockwool over night in a mild nutrient solution ph'd to 5.5.
And I leave the cuts in a cup of RO water overnight to get them really well hydrated before I make a new cut with a clean blade. Dip and place in the RW, then spray the dome, cover and place under dim light for a week or so.
Those clones above were dipped in Azos. I use this ->
Xtreme Gardening Azos 6 oz (12/Cs) – Simply Hydroponics when I have it on hand but its a little pricey so I normally just use Dip N Grow.
I also just started using these round rockwool plugs with the slit.
Grodan MacroPlug Round w/ Slit (50/Bag) (35 Bags/Cs) – Simply Hydroponics
Look at the difference in root growth.
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(ignore my garden hands. I missed my mani-pedi this week...err year

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I think the round ones offer a better water to air exchange.
They look good. A little longer than I normally cut them but I think those will root fine for ya. I've found the longer cuts struggle to remain hydrated.