Clones - How Deep to Plant?

Po boy

Well-Known Member
taking a clone that will have 6 nodes off an aurora indica. should i plant the bottom 2 nodes below the soil, or is it one node?


Well-Known Member
Hi Po boy
I have always had success with planting 1 node in the grow plug.
I have about 1/2 inch stem with the node just below the top of the plug.
I use a heating pad and humid dome temp at 77deg and lots of humidity for 7 days.
When they have rooted and if I want a shorter plant?
I have trimed up to 2 nodes off the rooted clone and burried them in soil.
I have never had a problem in 4 yrs.
Happy growing,
Hi Po boy
I have always had success with planting 1 node in the grow plug.
I have about 1/2 inch stem with the node just below the top of the plug.
I use a heating pad and humid dome temp at 77deg and lots of humidity for 7 days.
When they have rooted and if I want a shorter plant?
I have trimed up to 2 nodes off the rooted clone and burried them in soil.
I have never had a problem in 4 yrs.
Happy growing,
I do the same as newfriend but I plant my cutting straight into propagation soil. works great 100% success rate


Well-Known Member
depends on how branched the clone is. just plant to same depth.
if you trim and bury, maybe some rooting powder on trims below soil