Clones in Aerogarden Journal


Well-Known Member
prolly gunna grow the same plant again, still have a couple clones, and maybe start a new seed, after this grow tho, im gunna think about getting some real seeds, and getting a new light this grow so i can get some better yeild, i got a lil more then 1/2 oz this run, not that thats bad at all, but id like it to last a lil longer :-D


Well-Known Member
oh yea you know i will, its just when i get the motivation to get everything cleaned and shit, ive been really lazy lately, dont know why...........bongsmilie:joint:bongsmilie hehehe


Well-Known Member
ok well i think ive been lazy enough, so im gunna start up another grow!
i would start a new journal, but its all the same, so ill just continue this one on
i got the clones planted monday 11/24 and right after i had planted fucking water pump died
i was so angry, i got it to work but for about 5 mins
so i said screw it and went to sleep
the next day i got home from work and pulled everything out and into the bathroom, cleaned the pump, plugged it in and it worked, hooked it all back up in the AG and tested it again and it worked
so i got it all back in the grow area and plugged it in and it didnt fucking turn on, i was sooo pissed
so i took it all apart right there took the pump apart put it back together, tested it it worked, put it back in the AG again and put it all back together, and its been running ever since
but just in case, i called aerogrow, and told them it was broke, they went thru and asked me all their questions, and they are sending me a new pump
so now i will have a extra pump just incase

but through that whole ordeal the clones are still looking nice and green and one was wilting and is not anymore :-) so ill be posting some pics in a few here so stay tuned!

Happy Growin People bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
i havent seen gypsy on in a bit. but mine took about 2 months to flower, dont know how long to veg, they took like a month to root because they were clones taken after a month of flowering then like another month or so to get them bigger


Well-Known Member
sweet i dunno no if i am gunna try the aerogarden thing i am planing on going outdoor next year i live in a really romote town so there are lots of good places and lots of easy acessable water sourses


Well-Known Member
thats cool, i could have built something way cheaper, but ill always love my AG
it makes thing easy, ill prolly build something and just use it for clones
just went out and priced some stuff out prolly around 50-100 for everything depending how how i wanna light it

i might do some outdoor next year if i can find a good spot, wish i lived in a remote town, it would be nice


Well-Known Member
its great man we can get high any where intown we want walk down the street drinking a beer
but there is only one other person in town that is under 40 lol but he is cool so its not bad
in the summer the population is around 50 or so and in the winter it goes down to like 30


Well-Known Member
nice ive been thinkin about moving to Canada, but i hate cold....brrrrrr

throw me the link when you get the pics up i love seenin some beautiful maryjane plants :-D


Well-Known Member
man canada is great where u from? there are places here that are warm u know its not all cold. where i am the summers are really hot and the winters are really cold lol
thats y the population goes down so much but if ya dress for it its not bad


Well-Known Member
well its not for every body i guesse but the fishin is great and the hunting well its ok depending i live on the worlds lagest game preserve lol but we are right on the corner of it so i can still hunt well if you want to check it out i sugest you at least come up to canada for a visit