Clones in aerogarden!!


Well-Known Member
This is how I prepare my clones for my AG:

Set your AG to the strawberries settings and let it run. I like to crush half an asprin in my AG to act as a rooting hormone. The way this works is boiled willow bark can be used as a natural rooting hormone. The same hormone that you get from boiling the willow bark has been used as a natural asprin for years.

Quote from

"The use of willow bark dates back to the time of Hippocrates (400 BC) when patients were advised to chew on the bark to reduce fever and inflammation. Willow bark has been used throughout the centuries in China and Europe, and continues to be used today for the treatment of pain (particularly low back pain and osteoarthritis), headache, and inflammatory conditions such as bursitis and tendinitis. The bark of white willow contains salicin, which is a chemical similar to aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) and is thought to be responsible for the pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effects of the herb. In fact, in the 1800s, salicin was used to develop aspirin. White willow appears to be slower than aspirin to achieve any effects, but those effects may last longer."


Well-Known Member
Just glad I could help, pass the info along to another user in need when you get the chance is all.


Well-Known Member
Right now you are at a crossroads. Its the old Hydro vs Soil question. I think if you are going to do Hydro, you will not want to keep it in the AG. The reservoir is about 3/4 a gallon which is about the smallest you want to get with weed. What will happen is your root system will begin to outgrow your AG and you will end up with smaller plants. The choice is yours on Soil vs Hydro, but if you go the water may want to look into doing a DWC setup (Deep Water Culture). There are links on DIY Hydro setups in the GrowFaq. From what I hear soil is easier, especially for a new grower....but I've been hydro my whole growlife and couldn't help you with that.


Well-Known Member
kk i have checked out a couple diffrent set ups that i could make at home!!! I am thinkin i might try using a larg tuperware contaner for the reservoir. with an air pump used to keep minows alive. like a fish tank pump but biger then i wanna cut a peice of stirofome that will fit in the container with out letting ne light in. then i wanna cut holes in it that will fit a home made cup. kinda like the ones that came with the ag but on a larger scale. then just set up the lights and i am thinking it will work just like the ag!!! what do u think?

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
Glad to see it worked out for you. How did you you go about doing it? Just cut them and stick them in the Foam? I have an AG that I tried a whole grow with and had bad luck. I want to try it again for cloning. thanks.


Well-Known Member
i took the advice in the first reply but i only used a quarter asa and one of the seeding cubes that came with it within the first week i had roots... but make sure that when ur cutting u make a clean cut at a 45 degree angle use a rasor blade not sissors! sissors can crush the stem... make sure that every thing u are using is clean. i used my well water in the ag but if u dont drink that water dont give it to your plants thats the rule i use and its worked so far. i took contaners that that the seeds that came with the ag were in and used those to hold the clones. also if there is leaves close to the bottom of your clone its best to take them off cause they will root from there to!!! hope it helps ya out